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Caiaphas, Joseph ben
Pronunciation: KAI-uh-fuhs
Occurrences: 63
First Reference: Yeshua 1:50
But in the secret watches of the night, Josephus Caiaphas called forth certain chief priests, that they might act wisely regarding this John, and they called forth unto them a certain man, and they commanded that he should go to the lands round about Bethabara, and finding the prophet baptizing in the waters of the Jordan, he should become as one of his disciples.
See: Ananus Ben Seth, Judas Bar Abbas, Malchus, Marcus Galerius, Pontius Pilate, Sadducees
Summary: Caiaphas was the Jewish High Priest during the rise of John the Baptizer and Yeshua ben Joseph. Son-in-law to Ananus ben Seth (a former High Priest), Caiaphas was a corrupt political and religious figure, holding a leadership position among the Sadducee party. He bought the position of High Priest from the Roman governor Pontius Pilate under agreement to maintain peace in Jerusalem and keep the Jews from acting out against the encroaching Roman authority. Fearing the loss of his power and wealth, Caiaphas maintained his authority through plots of murder and deceit, often hiring assassins to kill those who spoke out against him and his corrupt administration. John the Baptizer and Yeshua were among those whom Caiaphas conspired against.
Azrael’s Commentary — Joseph Caiaphas
Head of the political party known as the Sadducees, and the appointed High Priest in the temple of Jerusalem. As High Priest, Caiaphas received a portion of all the tithes and offerings which flowed into the temple. In addition to this, Caiaphas received a percentage of the exchange rate as well as a percentage of all sales made by merchants who rented their space inside the temple walls (Yeshua 4:42-45, 44:1-6). Being High Priest, Caiaphas made a fortune. The office of High Priest was purchased by Caiaphas from the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. In receiving this office, Caiaphas agreed to aid the Romans in keeping Jerusalem peaceful. This agreement between Caiaphas and the Romans made Caiaphas a prime target for the Zealots, who despised him for aiding Rome in the subjugation of the Jews throughout Judea. Of interest it should be noted that Caiaphas often employed assassins in dealing with political opponents (Yeshua 21:10-25, 42:21-23, 47:15-16, 48:36).
As a Sadducee, Caiaphas believed only in the letter of the law; he did not believe in an after life. A man of considerable education, Caiaphas despised the self-educated rabbis who taught in the synagogues. Less than two years after Yeshua’s death, Caiaphas was taken out of his home by an angry mob and beaten to death (Yeshua 46:61-65).
Azrael’s Commentary — Judas bar Abbas
Chief of the Sicarii, an outlaw and a brigand; one of the most dangerous men in Palestine, possessing a thoroughly ruthless nature. Cold hearted and treacherous, Judas Bar Abbas hated the rulers of the temple in Jerusalem, Caiaphas in particular. This consuming hatred was due in part to two things. One was the custom of Caiaphas to dress in Greek fashion to show his contempt of traditional Jewish custom. And secondly, Caiaphas’ collaboration with Roman authority was suppressing Jewish nationalism. [...]
Not long after the death of Yeshua, Judas Bar Abbas incited a riot that resulted in Joseph Caiaphas being dragged from the temple mount and beaten to death by an angry mob (Yeshua 37:33-34).
Chronological summary of significant actions of Caiaphas
• commissions Judas of Kerioth to spy on John the Baptizer......................................Y:1:50-53
• is summoned to speak with Galerius about keeping the peace...............................Y:5:1-15
• commissions Judas to spy and report on Yeshua....................................................Y:5:25-26
• hires Judas to kill Yeshua / Judas fails in his attempt...............................................Y:21:10-20 / Y:27:1-5
• converses with Yeshua in the public square............................................................Y:37:14-34
• orchestrates the murder of Lazarus.........................................................................Y:41:27-30
• pays Judas to take Yeshua into custody................................................................. Y:45:9-13,25,36 46:36-42
• holds an illegal trial against Yeshua in his house.....................................................Y:46:42-68
• has many of the Sanhedrin killed or imprisoned.......................................................Y:47:15-16
• delivers Yeshua to Pilate, accuses Yeshua and disciples of murder........................Y:47:17
• has Ananus strangled to death out of fear that he would confess............................Y:48:35-36
So there gathered in the secret chambers of the High Priest all the chief priests and elders of the people, and there was numbered among them: Ananus Ben Seth, Joseph Caiaphas, Ismael Ben Phali, Eleazar Ben Haman, Jonathan Ben Ananus, and Simon Ben Kambith the chief scribe and a teacher of the law.
And Caiaphas, having purchased for himself the office of High Priest, commanded that Judas should tell them concerning John the Baptizer.
Yeshua 3:28-29
Thus contended the rulers of the temple among themselves concerning the Master, for there were some who would deal kindly with Yeshua because of the miracles wrought, but others were made all the more angry because of them.
And Caiaphas, being weary of contention, said: “It is expedient for us that one man should die for the sake of the nation. For why should Israel perish because of him?
For if he should continue unabated, then shall all men believe in him, and the law which was given into our keeping shall prove of no effect.”
So spoke Caiaphas, and calling Judas of Kerioth, he commanded that he should follow the Nazarene and give report of all which he said and did; for they would find against him some offense.
Thus did the chief priests and elders conspire against the very Anointed, that they might, by some means, put him to death.
Yeshua 5:22-26
And there gathered to hear him the High Priest, Joseph Caiaphas; and with him also were Ananus Ben Seth his father-in-law, Ismael Ben Phali, Eleazar Ben Haman, Simon Ben Kambith, and Jonathan Ben Ananus.
Yeshua 21:4
And one of the priests spoke unto Caiaphas, saying: “What shall we do concerning this man, for each day that he speaks we are further undone?
For except we act quickly against him all Israel will follow after him and unto us shall they not give heed, having been seduced and led astray by this Galilean.”
But Caiaphas spoke unto them all, saying: “I will bring him unto us privately, that we might examine him for ourselves; then shall we find against him some charge worthy of death.”
Yeshua 28:44-46
For many which were of the Sanhedrin believed in Yeshua and would not permit that any evil should fall upon him.
But they which were of the Sadducees and the scribes consulted whereby they might take Yeshua by subtlety and put him to death according to the law.
And one spoke unto Caiaphas, saying: “Let us kill him secretly and be done with him altogether quickly.” But Caiaphas answered him, saying:
“Would you make him equal to the prophets which our fathers killed in like manner?
Let us be wise and do all things in similitude of the law for appearance sake. For if this man continues, then shall we lose all our station, and Israel shall be destroyed because of him.”
Yeshua 44:46-50