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Friend of God


Occurrences:  3 +1 (Personal Testimony; para. 1)

First Reference:  Wisdom 29:16


Seeing then that the house of Christ in ages past did force into the shadows of the lost and forgotten, this gnosis which came from God, it became both expedient and necessary that God should set the stage for the return of the Teacher of Righteousness, who was himself the very Friend of God.



See:  Archie D. Wood, Sr., Azrael Ondi-Ahman, Teacher of Righteousness


Summary:  The title “Friend of God” is first used in reference to the “Teacher of Righteousness” who lived as John the Baptizer. Scripture proclaims the return of the Teacher of Righteousness with the birth of Archie D. Wood, Sr. (aka Azrael) on November 14, 1947 (W:29:9,16-19). In the 7th Endowment, Heavenly Mother refers to Azrael as the “Friend of God” (7:2:34).





Seeing then that the house of Christ in ages past did force into the shadows of the lost and forgotten, this gnosis which came from God, it became both expedient and necessary that God should set the stage for the return of the Teacher of Righteousness, who was himself the very Friend of God.

Consider then such events as did move and turn in preparation for the restoration of that very gnosis which the Gods of Heaven would give again; for in the years prior to the birth of this Mighty One, even God did cause to be revealed the lost books of Nag Hammadi, down in Egypt land, for out of the sands of captivity was there brought forth the essence of ancient knowledge.

Then came forth the second sign, for at the birth of the Friend of God, did there spring up suddenly before the world, still another treasure; for there was found in the desert of Qumran the lost books of the very Essenes, of whom John himself was the only father, signifying the return of the Teacher of Righteousness and the restoration of the lost gnosis of God.

Yet even unto these two signs did God give still a third, for it was after the birth of this Mighty One that God did cause to be established again, the nation of Israel, to be for many even as a sign and a wonder.

Wisdom 29:16-19


Bring therefore unto the wild places wherein you choose to celebrate, the tents for camping beneath the sky; for even as Azrael was made to dwell in a tent within the mountains deep, even so shall you in like fashion do, that you may prove yourself as one with the very Friend of God.

7th Endowment 2:34


“In 1979, at the age of thirty-one, I met the God of Heaven and was given a new name in the hope that I would choose from that sublime moment to rise above the ordinary and mundane, and take my rightful place beside all things eternal, wondrous and divine, and become “The Friend of God”. For it was God’s intent from the beginning that I should become “The Knower of Heavenly Things”; that receiving from God their divine mandate, I might give such sacred knowledge into the keeping of all their spiritual children through the writing of the sacred scriptures which are called by me, the Song of God.

Personal Testimony of Azrael Ondi-Ahman; para. 1


Fortitude (Azurgai)