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» Article: What is True Priesthood?
» Video: Sanctuaries and Priesthood
The priesthood of God is available to all men and women equally, and the offices of this priesthood are: son/daughter, husband/wife, father/mother, grandfather/grandmother, Patriarch/Matriarch.
“Remember that priesthood is born in you already. It is a gift from God, and no church can give it to you. If you are a man, your priesthood comes through your Heavenly Father and it is passed to you through procreation. If you are a woman, your priesthood comes through your Heavenly Mother and it is passed to you through procreation also. Heavenly Mother DOES NOT receive her priesthood from your Heavenly Father. To even think such a thing is an insult to your Heavenly Parents.
The priesthood of God has nothing to do with the Melchizedek or Aaronic Priesthood of the church. These priesthoods involve more wishful thinking than actual substance. The true priesthood of God is Patriarchal or Matriarchal in nature and they derive their power from your Heavenly Parents. There is no other priesthood. Priesthood is about family – not church!”
~ Azrael’s Commentary: Priesthood (excerpt)
…for this cause is priesthood given, that the presence and glory of God might be made to shine forth by the ministering of the righteous unto whom priesthood is given forever.
4. Consider then that sacred power which lies most deep within you, a power which is born of God, a power wrapped in priesthood; for this priesthood was given you at the moment of your birth, waiting quietly deep within, eager that you should use it.
5. What then is this priesthood which waits to be revealed? What is the power within your soul that would make you one with God? How must you live, how must you speak, how must you rightly act, to awaken within you the Light of God and fill the world with hope?
6. For the priesthood of God can no man give, neither is it appointed that any church should guard it or bind it with restrictions; for the priesthood which comes from God is found in you already and lies most deep within, a hidden treasure within the soul which waits upon your faith.
7. This then is the power of priesthood that you should be enabled to create some sacred moment for the sake of those you love, which sacred moment proves the power which draws forth the presence of God the Mother and the Father.
8. For the power of priesthood does not command but loves instead, neither does it seek to judge or punish, but to heal and quick restore; proving itself not as something exclusive but rather as that which quick includes even all who would embrace the things which come from God.
9. Think not therefore that the priesthood of God is bound by law, neither can any church constrain it, to keep it in their power; for that which has its birth in God is yours by right of birth, becoming itself the tie which binds you closely unto God, having as its only mandate the creation of sacred moments.
10. For the world needs most that sacred moment where God is deeply felt, to be themselves inspired by goodness, to be themselves uplifted and to feel themselves as blest, a sacred moment where God draws near to touch the heart and mind.
11. Such then is made the priesthood which comes from God above, not come from men nor come from church as others quick would tell you, but comes instead from deep within where the heart and soul do meet, lying there within yourself for you to quick take hold and draw to you the heart of God through the making of sacred moments.
12. If then you would awaken the priesthood of your soul then take you now this Song of God and learn it deeply well, committing to your memory the words of life and joy, becoming yourself as one made holy by seizing hold of God.
...Therefore, whosoever desires to do the work of God, which work is righteousness always, even unto that one shall God grant the power of priesthood.
71. For, behold, through the covenant of priesthood are the children of men, both male and female, made imitators of God. By his holiness are the children of men made partakers of his glory, that they might receive unto their souls the very presence of God and live.[...]
74. For whosoever obtains this priesthood, whether male or female, shall find unto their soul an abundance of strength; they shall mount the wind as an eagle; they shall run and not be weary; in the pathway of his righteousness shall they walk and not faint.
75. In them shall God put forth the hand of blessing unto all the children of men, that all who should have desire might come to a knowledge of God.
76. Therefore, unto whatsoever person God shall grant the power of this priesthood, even that one shall have power to make intercession for the children of men, that all might come to an understanding of the mercies of God.
77. Unto them shall the bearers of priesthood go. And they shall lay themselves down, even as a sure pathway in a lone and weary land where no safety is, that all who should walk therein might find to their greater joy the deliverance of God.
78. And to all those who shall be faithful to do the works of priesthood shall God fulfill the promise of every good thing, for he shall grant unto them both exaltation and increase in the kingdom of the Father.
~ Beginnings 28:71, 74-78
» Article: What is True Priesthood?
» Video: Sanctuaries and Priesthood