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Pronunciation: DRAY-kuhs
Occurrences: 1
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 28:1
In the autumn of the year did the naval forces of Drakonia set sail from the great
city ports of Trajenium, Livius, Appolonia, Dracus, Prisca, and Brundisium; and the
mighty ships of war let slip into the ocean mists; and altogether did they quietly
move towards the islands of Petragia and Londinium.
See: Drakonia, First World, First Track
Summary: During the First Track of the world
of the First Power, Dracus was a port-city located on the east coast of the northern
Drakonian Empire. Ships of war left from Dracus and various other port cities during
Drakonia’s siege against the Roman island fortress of Petragia (present-day Iceland)