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Pronunciation: KA-pih-tow-LAI-nuhm
Occurrences: 2 - Commentary (Trajenium)
See: Drakonia, First Track, Trajenium
Summary: The empire of Drakonia, which included the continents of North and South America, had a northern capital and a southern capital. The northern capital was located in the city of Trajenium (present-day Baltimore, Maryland). The southern capital was called Capitolinum, located in present-day Rio de Janeiro (AZC — Trajenium).
Azrael’s Commentary — Trajenium; para. 6
[...] As a point of interest, there was a southern capital to the Drakonian Empire as well. This southern capital was in South America in present-day Rio de Janeiro. This southern capital was called Capitolinum. However, the Emperor would only stay there a month or two out of the year. Only during the coldest months in Trajenium would the Emperor fly down to his southern palace in the city of Capitolinum.