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Occurrences: 449
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 2:8
By such means were the cities of man turned into armed and deadly camps; and all those which lived within the cities, or near unto them, even they were made the chattel of the Emperor which ruled over all things.
See: Drakonia, First Power, First Track, First World, Maximillius Drakonus
Summary: In the 3rd Endowment, the title of Emperor most often refers to Maximillius Drakonus, the forty-second emperor of the Drakonian Empire. On occasion, the title is non-specific, or refers to either Commodus III (3:24:4) or Vespasian IV (3:28:51), both of whom were Emperors of Rome during the days of Kronus Maximillius (see: First Track of the world of the First Power).
All Emperors mentioned in scripture or in Azrael's Commentary are organized below into two categories, based upon the context of their occurrence, ie: the First Track, or our present timeline.
First Track (Timeline)
Maximillius Drakonus (Drakonus Magnorum)
Maxus Drakoni (“the Regent”)
Present Track (Timeline)