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Occurrences: 3
First Reference: Enlightenment 5:50-51
Now, Most Sovereign Lord, seeing that Shaemdiel is made unsuited for the Celestial Kingdom, would it not prove expedient to send him also unto the world of the First Power;
That, perchance, there might be established between the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness the means of some communion, that by my subtle influence upon Shaemdiel I might refrain Yaldabaoth from consuming the whole of man through his dark designs?”
See: Azraella Ahgendai, Shaemdiel
Summary: There are two occurrences in which the title “Lord of Light” is used in reference to Shaemdiel, the fallen Arch-Angel of Elohim (E:5:51; 1:8:24). The phrase is also used a single time to identify the Azraella as he greeted Yaldabaoth prior to the advent of the Second War in Heaven (6:9:18).
But the Azraella stood most calmly forth and raising up his hand, the armies of the Demiurge grew quiet and filled again with stillness, and the Lord of Light spoke, saying: “Hail, dark brother, from me to thee fair greetings.
6th Endowment 9:18
And there was gathered in the darkness Yaldabaoth, and beside him moved Jehovah-Yahweh, who did look with evil intent upon the countenance of the Fallen One; and round about the Chief Demiurgos did Lucifer behold the legions of the Demiurge; and Yaldabaoth spoke softly unto Lucifer, saying:
“Hail fair Prince, Lord of Light and Glory; come you closer still and tell me for what purpose would you come so suddenly upon me; for I perceive in your countenance a troubling demeanor filled with foreboding. Come now and speak plainly. What is there in yonder world that would trouble the Prince of Salem so?”
1st Endowment 8:23-24