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Pronunciation: og-guh-LAI-uh-fihm
Occurrences: 14
First Reference: 5th Endowment 12:66
And there came from out of the gurgling brew, the first of the Oggaliaphim, being comprised themselves of seven orders of magnitude and power; and in each order was there made to stand 1,000 of the Oggaliaphim, both male and female; causing that there should stand before the Azraella a host of 7,000 fearsome strong.
See: Ahgendai, Azraella, Mahaliel, Second War
Summary: Created by the Azraella Ahgendai, the Oggaliaphim are intelligent, communal creatures whose natural appearance is that of swirling, vortexes of fire (AZC — Oggaliaphim). This peculiar species is represented by seven different houses, with each house representing a differing order of magnitude and power (5:12:65-69). The Oggaliaphim played a crucial role during the Second War against the armies of the Demiurge.
Seven Houses (Orders) of the Oggaliaphim (5:12:68*)
Tellios (TEHL-ee-ohs)
Eyegis (ai-EE-JIHS)
Migurah (mih-GUR-uh)
Eldebros (EL-dih-bros)
Borgeah (bor-ZHEE-uh)
Dorganah (dor-GAH-nuh)
Shamikai (SHAH-mih-kai)
* These names (Orders) are each mentioned only a single time in scripture.
Azrael’s Commentary — Oggaliaphim
Creatures of pure energy manifested as large raging pillars of fire, reaching altitudes of a thousand feet. These swirling vortexes of energy are highly intelligent and are communal in their thinking. They possess no sense of individualism. They think and act as a single unit. The concepts of ‘I’, ‘me’ or ‘mine’ are alien to their mental processes.
One interesting aspect of the Oggaliaphim is their ability to transform themselves into the shapes and images of other creatures. Their ability to mimic the behavior of other creatures is startling to watch. They can go from a raging pillar of fire into that of a fiery bird of prey, or a thundering, bellowing bull, or even that of a raging lion. However, such images are a great deal larger than the actual animal they are portraying. At the battle of Xanjipoorah, the Oggaliaphim cast themselves into the images of several large fire breathing dragons of extraordinary size and power. These images literally terrified the armies of the Demiurgos. At the battle of Soli-Endi-Muhat, the Oggaliaphim presented themselves as rampaging lions of great ferocity, ripping and tearing their way through the ranks of the Kalliform. More than five hundred of the Kalliform found themselves cast into the great Abyss as a result of meeting the Oggaliaphim in battle.
Another startling fact about the Oggaliaphim is that they have two distinct genders: one male and the other female. The females of the Oggaliaphim are easily discerned by the iridescent blue and green flames which are emitted from the core of their vortex, while the males are identified by flames which flash brilliant colors of red, orange and yellow. However, despite the two distinct genders, the Oggaliaphim do not mate as pairs. Instead, they mate communally. How this is done I do not know. The Oggaliaphim reproduce themselves only once every 10,000 years. The science entailed in their beingness is not at present available to my understanding.
And there came from out of the gurgling brew, the first of the Oggaliaphim, being comprised themselves of seven orders of magnitude and power; and in each order was there made to stand 1,000 of the Oggaliaphim, both male and female; causing that there should stand before the Azraella a host of 7,000 fearsome strong.
To these did the Azraella apportion a place and a duty, to guard the gates between the darkness and the light; being themselves stationed among the stars round about Mahaliel; pledging themselves and their posterity thereafter to prove most fiercely loyal to the Azraella, to see in him their one and only God.
And from out of the 7,000 did there evolve seven great houses of vast and infinite power; which houses are called: Tellios, Eyegis, Migurah, Eldebros, Borgeah, Dorganah, and Shamikai; these then did the Azraella establish round about Mahaliel, to prove a dreadful barrier which would hold at bay the Nemesis of God.
Consider then the very appearance of the Oggaliaphim, being seen themselves as vast pillars of blazing fire which would consume the enemies of God, to cast them into darkest oblivion, to be no more forever.
5th Endowment 12:66-69
And to all these mighty forces was there added the Oggaliaphim which stood in silent phalanxes above the Amber Plains; being themselves most deeply devoted to the Azraella, to see in him their only God and true commander; being each themselves made for war, to bind in light the dreadful darkness.
6th Endowment 3:25
For the Oggaliaphim were like pillars of living fire, emitting from their very presence tongues of colored flame, like ribbons of red and green and sparkling blue fiercely flashing, quick entwining in a wildly fevered dance;
Being themselves most deeply loyal to the God which brought them forth; conveying to all a dreadful might far beyond the darkest power, being themselves most strangely rare and clothed in fiery beauty.
6th Endowment 8:38-39