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Pronunciation: SHIM-uh-loo
Occurrences: 3
First Reference: 5th Endowment 13:29
Now on a certain day did the Azraella go unto the southernmost part of the garden, beside the Amethyst Sea, and there did he fashion a strange and wondrous oracle; and casting it upon the ground there sprung up immediately from out of the earth, the trees of Shimaloo.
See: Amethyst Sea, Mahaliel
Summary: The trees of Shimaloo were created by Azraella Ahgendai on the planet of Mahaliel as a gift for Mahaleenah. Rising some one hundred feet high, the trees were made of “finely shaped crystals” which would refract the light and create a canopy of rainbows which would “dance and flutter” like leaves (5:13:29-30).
Now on a certain day did the Azraella go unto the southernmost part of the garden, beside the Amethyst Sea, and there did he fashion a strange and wondrous oracle; and casting it upon the ground there sprung up immediately from out of the earth, the trees of Shimaloo.
Which trees were made of finely shaped crystals which rose up some 100 feet above the ground, causing that whensoever the sun should shine upon them even then would the crystals refract the light; making to appear before the eye a canopy of rainbowed light which like leaves did dance and flutter in the airs round about.
Seeing therefore the trees of Shimaloo, Mahaleenah did fairly swoon, and there did she seduce the Azraella, to lay with him side by side; opening wide the gates of her soul whereby she might receive into herself the joys of Peshkaleah.
5th Endowment 13:29-31
But in that moment when goodness made love to goodness beneath the trees of Shimaloo, when Mahaleenah did take to herself the passions of the Azraella, even then did the Tael shimmer with excitement and holy lust; revealing to all the Gods the presence of something new and wondrous strange.
Causing that throughout the seven glories of the Celestial Kingdom should even all the Gods and Goddesses engage in deep and joyful speculation regarding the meaning of all these things, meeting within their quorums to share most eager thoughts.
5th Endowment 13:35-36