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Occurrences: 21
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 10:23
For if we shall increase in numbers within our several ranks, those cadets which would stand beside us, then are we advantaged altogether; for you know that in each year are the academies made to compete in games of war; being ever hopeful that they might win the Emperor’s Standard.
See: Drakonia, Emperor, First Track, First World, Great Game Refer to: 3:10:1 — 3:12:1-42
Summary: During the First Track of the world of the First Power, the forty-two military academies of the empire of Drakonia would compete in an annual game of war for the Emperor’s Standard, a highly prized and greatly esteemed title represented by a special flag. Referred to as the Great Game, the tradition was centuries old, established at the founding of the Drakonian Empire (3:11:26). Incorporating the use of real weapons, the war games were brutal, often resulting in the death and injury of players from both sides. The competition was taken very seriously throughout the empire, as the winning academy would earn the recognition and favor of the Emperor. All surviving cadets deemed the champions would receive a gold ring from the Emperor, and those of the senior class would be offered the choicest of ranks and commissions upon their graduation (3:10:23-25).
In the military academy of A’Kontay, the son of Areta and Seti-Kahn (later named Kronus) had caught the attention of the chief commanders, for as a first-year senior, he had garnered a great respect among his comrades, even to the extent of bending long-established traditions within the academy. Fearing the young cadet would rise to power and exact a harsh revenge against his instructors (as his father Seti-Kahn had done decades previous) — and also fearing the wrath of the cadet’s father, who desired the downfall of his son — the chief commanders appointed the son of Seti-Kahn as captain of A’Kontay’s team put forth to fight for the Emperor’s Standard. While the commanders publicly honored the son of Seti-Kahn, they privately believed he would be shamed and ultimately defeated in the Great Game, for A’Kontay had an established record of defeat, having never won the Standard in the four-hundred years of the Game’s history (3:11:17-32).
Under the leadership of the son of Areta, the academy of A’Kontay not only won the Emperor’s Standard for the first time (3:11:33-57), the academy successfully maintained its title for three consecutive years (3:12:1-21). No other academy in the history of the empire had ever won the Standard twice in a row. A new Standard was created to represent three successive victories. A’Kontay’s team was honored midst great imperial pomp and ceremony. As a reward, the Emperor gave his own ring to the son of Areta. It was at this awards ceremony that the son of Areta received from the Emperor the name and rank of Kronus Maximillius, Imperial Tribune (3:12:25-42).
Now the game which all academies struggled most fiercely to win was brutal and filled
with hardships. For out of the two hundred cadets which had begun the competition
beside the son of Areta, still did only seventy remain to compete in the greatest
game of all;
To win for themselves the Emperor’s Standard and recognition; to stand above all other military academies as being in themselves the best of the best, and the bravest of the brave.
Earning for themselves the choicest of appointments upon the day of their commission; to wear upon their finger the gold ring of victory which did bear the Emperor’s seal.
For in the struggle to gain the Emperor’s Standard did a great many cadets fall by the way in battle; some being killed through fearsome fighting, while others fell broken and severely maimed; leaving on the fields of war only the bravest and most stout.
3rd Endowment 11:46-49