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Pronunciation:  ee-LAI-dzhuh

Occurrences:  11

First Reference:  Yeshua 1:27


But John answered, saying: “I am not the one you seek.” And another asked: “What then? Are you Elijah come back to life again? For, behold, our fathers have said that before the coming of the Anointed One, even God would send again Elijah unto the children of Abraham.



See:  Elisha, John the Baptizer


Summary:  According to Hebrew scripture, Elijah was a great prophet in the kingdom of Israel during the reign of Ahab (c. 9th century BCE). It was foretold that Elijah would return to prepare the way for the Anointed One. During the ministry of John the Baptizer, many wondered if he was indeed the ancient prophet come again. When pressed by a member of the Sandhedrin regarding whether or not he was the reincarnated Elijah of old, John’s response made it clear he was the one of whom the scriptures spoke (Y:1:32-37).


According to the book of Yeshua, Elijah and Moses appeared during the transfiguration of Yeshua on Mount Tabor (Y:19:1-15). During this event, several of Yeshua’s disciples were present, including James and John, who recognized John the Baptizer in his transcendent form. Following the transfiguration, Yeshua confirmed that John the Baptizer was indeed Elijah.



Azrael’s Commentary — Transfiguration and Translation

To be transfigured means to change the form or appearance of an individual from a mortal state to an immortal state. The process of transfiguration causes feelings of euphoria and supreme harmony, expunging from a person’s mind, all fears, worries and uncertainties which occur due to the stress of living the mortal life. This state of bliss and calm certainty is always temporary, and happens only when celestial beings present themselves for the purpose of instructing one concerning the designs and purposes of God. The process of transfiguration begins prior to the appearance of celestial beings. This can be verified by reading Yeshua 19:3-4. In this account, Yeshua is transfigured before his apostles on Mount Tabor, prior to the advent of Moses and Elijah.

Being translated is much different then being transfigured. To be translated means that a mortal person is returned to God without first tasting death. And while this is rare, it does happen. Whenever a person follows God to such an extent that they become holy, having endured the trials and tribulations of life with masterful good grace, the veil of mortality begins to unravel itself from around them. And the person, being unhindered by doubt, simply steps through the veil into the presence of God and the Elohim who are gathered there to receive them.





26. Now Gamaliel was a master and teacher of the law, and he spoke unto John, saying: “Who are you? Come and tell us plainly, for many say that you are the Anointed One of God. Tell us then if this be so.”

27. But John answered, saying: “I am not the one you seek.” And another asked: “What then? Are you Elijah come back to life again? For, behold, our fathers have said that before the coming of the Anointed One, even God would send again Elijah unto the children of Abraham.

28. Tell us then if you are that prophet of whom our fathers spoke and deny not. What do you say for yourself? Tell us truly that we may give answer unto those that sent us.”

29. But John answered: “Have you not read even this saying: Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me; and the Lord, whom you seek, shall come suddenly to his temple, even the giver of that covenant which you delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.

30. But who may abide the day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appears? For he shall be like a refiner’s fire, and like unto a fuller’s soap.

31. And he shall sit as a refiner of precious things: and he shall purify the house of Israel, and he shall purge them of dross, even as fine gold and silver, that they might offer unto the Lord an offering of righteousness.”

32. And Gamaliel, hearing this, spoke, saying: “Are you then that Elijah, sent to prepare the way of the Lord?”

33. And John answered: “I am the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness: Prepare you the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. [...]

Yeshua 1:26-33


Hear now and be wise: for I tell you truly that no prophet is accepted in his own country.

For there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah the prophet, when the heavens were sealed three years and six months, and great famine made desolate the whole land.

But unto none of them was Elijah sent except unto a woman that was a widow in Sarepta, a city by the coast of Tyre and Sidon.

And because she would be gracious unto the prophet in that day, she was blessed above all others, for when her son was thought dead, yet was he restored again unto life.

Yeshua 6:20-23


And the Lord, drawing himself away some little distance, was transfigured before their eyes: and his face did shine as a light, and his raiment was made bright like the sun.

And all which saw trembled at the sight thereof, and when they were knelt down, there appeared beside the Lord both Moses and Elijah.

And James and John seeing the face of Elijah, cried aloud together, saying: “Rabboni!” And turning to the others they said: “It is the Baptizer!”

Yeshua 19:3-5


And John spoke unto the Lord, saying: “Why do the scribes and Pharisees teach that Elijah must first come to prepare the way of the Lord?”

And this spoke John because he knew not whom John the Baptizer was.

And Yeshua answered him, saying: “I tell you truly that Elijah is come already and they knew him not, but did unto him whatsoever they willed.”

Yeshua 19:12-14


Did not Elijah, by God’s word, go up unto Sarepta that he might find refuge in the house of a Sidonian widow? Will you say that Elijah sinned because he entered also the house of a Gentile?

Yeshua 20:28

