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Pronunciation: en-jeh-nehr (?)
Occurrences: 1
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 16:17
Let us, therefore, go out to meet them and strike hard and fast against all their several parts; for why should we wait till they should be at the very walls of the fortress, when yet we can hold them between the Mountain of Pompeus and the Straits of Enjenare?”
See: Ahgi Wynnaki, Alaska, Chen, Drakonia, Ming Gai (straits of), Mount Pompeus
Summary: During the First Track of the world of the First Power, the armies of the Chen launched a siege in an effort to take control of the Fortress of Octavius and the northern regions of Drakonia (3:15:63 — 3:17:5). When Kronus Maximillius took control of the Drakonian forces charged with defending the northern territories, he quickly led troops to strike the Chen hard and fast, to “hold them between the Mountain of Pompeus and the Straits of Enjenare” (3:16:16-17). Located somewhere near the regions of Alaska, the exact modern-day location of the Straits of Enjenare is presently unknown.