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Pronunciation: neh-GHUR-uh
Occurrences: 3
First Reference: 5th Endowment 14:57b
...and there in the shadow of Mount Negurah did the Azraella build a forge, and taking from his soul an oracle of power he did cast it into the fires and with mighty strength did blend the oracle with the strength of purest diamond.
See: Azraella, Mahaliel, Mahaleenah, Shondii
Summary: Mount Negurah refers to an active volcano located in the Sileah mountain range, on the celestial world of Mahaliel (5:14:57). Prior to Heaven’s Second War against the Demiurge, it was ‘in the shadow of Mount Negurah’ where the Azraella built a forge and fashioned for his daughter, Mahaleenah, a mighty sword, along with a shield, helmet and breastplate. Azraella used three oracles of power in the creation of the armaments (5:14:57-63).
Blending an oracle with purest diamond, Azraella first made the sword, its massive blade capable of opening dimensions and disassembling the bonds of eternal matter (5:14:58). Next came the shield and helmet, with bucklers and grieves — all fused with silver, trimmed with gold. Lastly, taking an oracle ‘from his heart’, the Azraella fashioned a breastplate of exquisite beauty (5:14:61). Both the shield and the breastplate had engraved upon it the likeness of the oracle Shondii, which oracle was fashioned by the Azraella to signify himself as he endured the forces of the Eidos and Antipode while dwelling in the darkness of the great Abyss.
With these new armaments, Mahaleenah was fitted for war, to stand before the army of Light as a ‘most beautiful and frightful warrior’ (5:14:63).
See: 5th Endowment 14:57-63