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Pronunciation: sai-LEE-uh
Occurrences: 4
First Reference: 5th Endowment 12:76
And together did they go unto Mahaliel, and coming to the mountains of Sileah, which mountains did border the regions of the Amethyst Sea; and coming to a high valley they began to work together, both hand in hand, to build themselves a home.
See: Amethyst Sea, Mahaliel, Mount Negurah
Summary: The mountains of Sileah are located on the celestial world of Mahaliel, home planet of the Ahgendai. It was near the mountains of Sileah, in a high valley north of the Amethyst Sea, that Azraella and Mahaleenah established their home and gardens (5:12:76; 5:13:1-27).
24. And being in agreement, the Father and the Daughter did go unto the mountains of Sileah, and in a valley of great beauty, which valley was bordered in its southernmost part by the Amethyst Sea, they fashioned a small but pleasing home.
25. And there fell into the valley a great many waterfalls, whose vaporous veils gave birth to a host of rainbows which did most brightly shine; to dress in most colorful splendor the gardens of the land.
26. For there surrounded the home a garden of great size, being in its measurement some twelve miles long and twelve miles wide; containing within its boundaries, marvels and wonders far greater than the tongue can speak or the pen can write.
27. And seeing that the home was good and finely made, the Father and the Daughter did enter in and there did they make their abode; to fill the house with beauty and song.
28. And upon the mountains of Sileah did there come to dwell a congregation of the Cherubim, whereby they might dwell nigh unto the Daughter, perchance to give to her some good and happy service.
5th Endowment 13:24-28