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Pronunciation: ZAI-uhn
Occurrences: 1
First Reference: Wisdom 28:12
For the end of Man shall not come with fire, neither shall Man most slowly fade; but the end of the age shall come with a shout, the sound of joy and wonder, for the Gods of Heaven shall descend from Xion, to stand upon the earth, and in the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman shall the children of men be gathered.
See: Ondi-Ahman (gardens of), Mahaliel, Zion (city), Zion (figurative)
Summary: In the Celestial Kingdom of the Ahgendai, Xion is the primary city located on the moon of the seventh moon of the planet Mahaliel [*]. This special moon serves as a way station for the children of God who are incarnating on this earth. Mahaliel and its moons comprise the newest addition to the realms of Heaven, referred to as the Celestial Kingdom of the Ahgendai.
According to scripture, at the conclusion of the seventh and final dispensation on this world, there will be a great gathering at the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman. The gathering will include members of the Council of Elohim, as well as the Azraella and his daughter, Mahaleenah. The men and women of the earth who are gathered will be apportioned their divine inheritance. On the thirteenth day, the people, the temple and its gardens will all be ‘whisked away’, to ascend to the seventh moon of Mahaliel (W:28:1-16).
There is likely some correlation between the term Xion, and the ancient city of Zion referred to in the book of Beginnings. Other connections may be drawn between Xion and the various concepts and phrases connected with the term “Zion”. For example, the word “Zion” may point to the transcendent city of Xion, while the “children of Zion” may possibly refer to the temporary inhabitants of the moon of the seventh moon (W:3:16-17, 20; W:4:10; W:4:20-23; W:5:8,10-11; W:20:16; W:20:25).
[*] Wood spoke of Xion on several occasions in lessons and discussions. Source and references needed.
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76. For of the last days has the prophet written: And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the house of the Lord shall be established upon the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it.
77. And many shall say in that day: Come, let us go unto the house of the Lord, for he will teach us all his ways; and we will walk in his paths continually from this day forth.
78. For out of Zion shall the law go forth unto all the earth, and from his habitation shall the word spring up readily.
79. And the Lord shall judge righteously among the nations, and he shall rebuke even all the people because of war.
Yeshua 10:76-79