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Pronunciation: AHN-dai + AH-mehn
Occurrences: 7
First Reference: Beginnings 5:27
For I shall come to a land which is choice above all others, a land which is far from you. And it shall be called the Sacred Gardens of Ondi-Ahman, for it shall be the place where I shall visit my people, even all those who shall make with me a covenant of righteousness.
See: Shem Torath Refer to: Wisdom 28:8-20
Summary: First spoken of as a prophecy given by father Adam during the Adamic Council, the “Sacred Gardens of Ondi-Ahman” will, in some future time, serve as the location where Adam will meet with the righteous and formally conclude the dispensations on this earth (B:5:22-29). Prior to the closing of the seventh dispensation, the Gardens will serve as an important location for functions of various holy quorums. Ondi-Ahman will also be the location of the Temple of the Living Endowment, wherein the Song of God will take living form (W:28:10).
Azrael’s Commentary — Ondi-Ahman
The re-created garden of Eden or Paradise, where Father Adam and Mother Eve will convene the sacred convocation where all the children of God who have lived a mortal life in this world of the First Power shall be gathered. This great convocation will correspond to the one reported in the book of Beginnings 5:22, and will close out the seventh dispensation. This sacred convocation will finalize this replication of the time line in this world of the First Power, and will officially proclaim the redemption of Shaemdiel and his fallen children. It will be at this convocation that Shaemdiel and Rutheniel shall once again establish their union before all those who are gathered at Ondi-Ahman. Also at this great gathering, Father Adam and Mother Eve will verify the names of those sons and daughters of God who have achieved their exaltation, whereby they shall be drawn closer to The One and Areta, to become themselves the very Ahgendai, even worlds without end.
The gardens of Ondi-Ahman is the one place in the world where Heaven and earth meet. It is the most sacred place you can aspire to be while living the mortal life. Ondi-Ahman shall prove unique for several reasons. First and foremost is that there will be only one Ondi-Ahman. Secondly, Ondi-Ahman shall be the largest and most beautifully manicured garden on earth. As the garden grows throughout each succeeding generation, the presence of Heaven will become more pronounced in this world of the First Power. It is possible that in time, Ondi-Ahman shall encompass hundreds of square miles of garden parkways, sparkling fountains, broad green meadows with lakes and pools where the children of God can experience a little bit of Heaven for themselves.
Also, Ondi-Ahman is the only place where the Council of Lords can meet, and where the Quorum of the Holy calls forth the Solemn Convocation of the Elect. In addition to this, Ondi-Ahman is the one place on earth where the purification and sanctification of the holy takes place. Finally, Ondi-Ahman is the one place where the Elohim shall convene the final council relating to the dispensations of God in this world of the First Power.
[Adam’s Promise]
26. Now take heart and be comforted for your God cares for you. For if I should go away from you, yet shall I come again. In the fullness of time shall I come unto you and receive you unto myself.
27. For I shall come to a land which is choice above all others, a land which is far from you. And it shall be called the Sacred Gardens of Ondi-Ahman, for it shall be the place where I shall visit my people, even all those who shall make with me a covenant of righteousness.
28. By the hand of my servant who shall receive authority from on high, even he shall choose a land wherein I might come to dwell among the fruits of your loins.
29. And if the land be not defiled by blasphemers, I shall surely come unto you, and if it be defiled, I shall call forth the mighty one and even he shall appoint another in its stead. And whatsoever land he shall choose, even that land shall be called the Sacred Gardens of Ondi-Ahman.”
Beginnings 5:26-29
[Words of Azrael]
8. Consider then an ancient promise given long ago, when Adam spoke of sacred gardens in a place called Ondi-Ahman; a sacred garden with a temple, where the Gods come forth to bless, and write within the sacred book the names of those exalted.
9. Seek therefore, to build the garden, a great and sacred place, which garden place even I would cause to be designated, and in the midst of the garden shall there be most well-constructed, a temple of great beauty, to be known forever after as the Temple of the Living Endowment.
10. And in this temple shall the Song of God take living form, to fill the eyes with wonder, forging through both form and music, a depth of vision which will inspire the mind with all the dreams of God.
11. And from generation to generation shall the children of men find peace and hope in the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman, and from the temple shall the knowledge of God go forth to cover even all the world, till the ending of the age.
12. For the end of Man shall not come with fire, neither shall Man most slowly fade; but the end of the age shall come with a shout, the sound of joy and wonder, for the Gods of Heaven shall descend from Xion, to stand upon the earth, and in the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman shall the children of men be gathered.
Wisdom 28:8-12
Thus is there given unto this world just one temple only, to be found in the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman; while of the Tabernacle of God’s Peace there shall be many, each one found within a garden, called the Gardens of Shem Torath.
Take heart therefore, and do not fear tomorrow, but attend with all diligence the present moment in which you live; let the dreams of God guide all your labors, planting in each present moment the seeds of what shall be; and day by day shall you draw all future Man to the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman, to see for themselves the very Gods of Heaven.
Wisdom 28:19-20