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Adam (Earth)


Pronunciation:  A-dm

Occurrences:  224  (includes: house of / lineage of / seed of / sons-daughters of / children of / descendants of / language of)
First Reference:  Beginnings 1:5

And the Ancient of Days spoke unto the Teacher a great parable, saying: “In the beginning did Michael and his Beloved together dream, and Adam and Eve came unto the earth that God might breathe into man the breath of life, whereby the children of men might possess a living soul.



See:  Adaam, Adamic, Adamic Council, Adamilus, Ancient of Days, Eve, Michael


Background (Adapted from Azrael’s Commentary Adam): Adam is a shortened version of the name Adamilus. The name means: higher man, implying a man from some higher plane or world or dimension. The name usually signifies a man who came from Heaven, or who journeyed from distant stars. On every world where the dispensations of God roll forth, the leader of the first dispensation is always given the name of Adamilus.


There are two individuals in the Song of God with the name Adamilus. The first is introduced in the book of Beginnings as Adam, the Beloved of Eve. Adam was the mortal manifestation and embodiment of the Arch-Angel Michael, one of the leading Archons in the Celestial Kingdom of Heaven. The second individual is distinguished as Adamilus, and can be read about in the 4th Endowment. Adamilus was the mortal manifestation of The One: first Father God, and co-creator of Heaven and all subsequent worlds and universes both mortal and divine.



Summary:  One of the most prominent figures in the Song of God, Adam  (also referred to as the “Ancient of Days”) was the co-founder of the first dispensation here on the world of the First Power. It was sometime around 12,775 BCE that Michael and his Beloved Sher-el arrived in ancient Mesopotamia to dwell among the native Homo-sapiens as the Adamilus and Evelah (B:1:5-14). Adam introduced a more pure language to the native Homo-sapiens (Enoshahim), which was likely a form of the Adamic language. He taught the Enoshahim about herbs, plants, medicine, and the making of bricks and houses (B:1:12-14; 19-21). Adam and Eve had many children, however, the text only mentions Cain, Abel, and Seth, who was the "eighteenth son" of Adam and Eve (AZC — Seth). Adam and Eve dwelt on earth for 930 years before their ascension, sometime around 11,845 BCE (AZC — Adamic Council; B:6:1).



Relevant scriptural references:


Beginnings 1:5 — 6:4            Introduction and account of Adam and Eve’s sojourn on Earth   


Enlightenment 13:11-31        Summary of Adam and Eve’s arrival and initial interaction with the Enoshahim


1st Endowment 10:11-42      Adam and Eve uplift the natural man


1st Endowment 11:1-51        Jehovah-Yahweh confronts Adam and Eve in the garden


6th Endowment 8:46-55        Adam converses with Eve regarding the Demiurge’s attack against Heaven




Adam’s Promise:  Returning to the Gardens of Ondi-Ahman


Beginnings 5:22-29


Wisdom 28:8




And the Ancient of Days spoke unto the Teacher a great parable, saying: “In the beginning did Michael and his Beloved together dream, and Adam and Eve came unto the earth that God might breathe into man the breath of life, whereby the children of men might possess a living soul.

Now Adam dwelt for a season in the land between the great rivers, even the Tigress and Euphrates, and he walked among the children of men eastward in Eden. And when he saw that the land was good, he planted a garden there.

And the children of men marveled greatly concerning the coming of the son of God, for Adam was even as a giant among them, and his beauty and comeliness was glorious to behold, and his wisdom was beyond comprehension.

Beginnings 1:5-7


Now in the world of First Man did Adam and Eve continue daily in working among the Enoshahim; being intent on teaching unto them every good and needful thing whereby they might fill their minds with a desire for God and sacred things, being most intent on setting before them an example worthy of emulation.

6th Endowment 8:46


...and in the time appointed, we did send unto the earth even Michael that he might establish the first of many dispensations.

And he did walk upon the earth to dwell among the children of men, and there was with him his own Beloved, and Adam and Eve prospered upon the earth throughout all the days of their sojourn, teaching unto the children of men an abundance of goodly things.

1st Endowment 2:17-18


So was it appointed by the Elohim that Michael and Sher-el should go to the world so far beyond, which very world was uncreated by God; having likewise appointed six others which would head dispensations of their own, having proven themselves worthy of every honor, even as Michael and Sher-el.

6th Endowment 7:56


And so my child, Adam and Eve did go forth unto the world of the First Power to begin the dispensations of God and Hodos Alea; being themselves most hopeful eager in bringing about the full designs of Elohim; ...

For Adam and Eve proved gentle and filled with goodness, possessing in their likeness bodies of flesh and bone, being themselves content to live among the Enoshahim whereby they might reveal to the Enoshahim the goodness of the Enoshahim; adding to their customs a new and higher knowledge filled with subtle wisdom.

6th Endowment 8:1, 6
