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Occurrences: 5
First Reference: Enlightenment 3:50
So spoke Shaemdiel in the speaking of the Tael and many were troubled in heart and mind, for in the Hodos Alea had the First God laid forth the pathway to exaltation.
See: Areta, First Power, First Soul, First Track, First World, God, God(s) Beyond, Kronus Maximillius, The One
Summary: The phrase ‘First God’ is commonly used to designate the first natural human [*] to engender soul during the mortal life, and as a result, survive death with personality intact. This miraculous event unfolded on a world referred to in scripture as the ‘First World’, or the ‘world of the First Power’, midst the life of Kronus Maximillius (see 3rd Endowment). Most often designated as ‘The One’, the First God did not always exist, but rather, arose midst the evolution of the first human species. The following passages introduce The One and summarize the context surrounding his transcendence:
Behold, I am The One, First God and Father Creator, Supreme and Holy Sovereign above all the Gods of Heaven...
Thus it was that in a time beyond all your yesterdays was there found neither God nor Goddess but Man only; and in the world of the First Creation was he brought forth in darkness, knowing only what the senses of the body would permit.
Among the spirit children of many Gods is this word not given, have you yourself not also heard: how that God was once a man, to evolve himself from less to greater?
So it was that in a time before forever, even I, as a man on the First World did dwell; being the first to make for himself a living soul which the darkening shade had no power to touch or put out again.
Behind the advent of First Soul was the tender influence of the feminine Universal Consciousness referred to as Areta (3:1:19-54). Before the existence of time and space, this first mind awoke in the darkness of the Void to find herself alone (7:1:1-4). Her intense yearning to commune with some like-minded intelligence eventually resulted in the creation of this cosmos and the subsequent evolution of intelligent life. While Areta was the ‘great intender’ of the universe, this Cosmic Consciousness should not be confused with any theological concept of “God”, for it wasn’t until the soul of Kronus obtained a spirit tabernacle and joined with Areta in a Beloved union that “First God” came to exist (3:32:40-46; 4:1:16-22).
Thus, while the phrase “First God” may refer specifically to The One, a more accurate understanding of the phrase points to both The One and Areta, together bound in love and true devotion.
Soon after their initial union, Areta and The One created a new universe wherein they set about establishing the foundations of a noble kingdom in which they and their future spirit children could dwell (4th Endowment). Over the eternities, this Heaven expanded into three distinct realms of glory to accommodate the development of countless generations of spirit children. (Foundations for a fourth kingdom have also been established). While there are many Gods and Goddesses who dwell in the Celestial Kingdom, Areta and The One remain the oldest and most advanced of all eternal beings, ever diligent to guard and empower that which is good and holy.
[*] Technically, Areta’s mortal incarnation as the mother of Kronus was the first human life to manifest the epiphenomenon of soul (4:1:50). However, her physical body was neither conceived or born naturally, but rather, was called into existence as a young adult woman wherein was placed a portion of Areta’s soul (3:3:30-39). It was her son, commonly known as Kronus, who became the first naturally conceived human to engender soul.
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The only proper religion for mankind is humanity itself, for it is from this humanity that God first evolved. God, who is our future, came from humans, who are Their past.
God is a glorified and exalted human being.
1. So Kronus died, yet did the soul of Kronus remain alive and ready knowing; being himself untouched by death, neither was he moved or pushed by such elements and forces as would bind the flesh; being himself immortal and filled with life; dwelling beyond the reach of space and time and mortal flesh.
2. Being himself aloof and untouched by things of corporeal nature, perceiving through the fields of the soul, the sight and sound and feel of the mortal world which continued round about him;
3. Being himself bound in light while the world of men did seem as shadows pale and thin; being themselves hedged up on every side with uncertainties and perplexities of which there is no end.
4. For the soul of Kronus was without such bounds and limitations as do afflict the flesh; being in his soul the first of his kind which did live beyond the ending of his death, dwelling forever beyond the confines of mortal flesh.
5. Being himself incorporeal and ethereal in all his nature, possessing in himself the seed of some ineffable mystery filled with wonder; moving here and going there midst the passing roar of a sudden rush; yet drifting and passing lightly by as if some breath or wind compelled him.
[Ahman speaking to The One]
...For you, alone, from the First World came, being of yourself the greatest God of All; before whom countless eternities without fail must move.
[Words of The One]
23. For I, alone, am The One which is greatest above all else, being before all Gods the First and Most Sovereign Lord of All;
24. Having established in the depths of my own bosom the countless turnings of eternity, in whose hands the course of all heavenly things must forever move.
25. Behold, how the pathways of endless ages around the throne must ever move, causing all that is past, and all that is present, and all that is future to give obeisance unto me.
26. For I, alone, am Eternal One, above whom there is no greater found; yet in that beginning beyond all beginnings have I a memory recollected.
27. Thus it was that in a time beyond all your yesterdays was there found neither God nor Goddess but Man only; and in the world of the First Creation was he brought forth in darkness, knowing only what the senses of the body would permit.
28. Among the spirit children of many Gods is this word not given, have you yourself not also heard: how that God was once a man, to evolve himself from less to greater?
29. So it was that in a time before forever, even I, as a man on the First World did dwell; being the first to make for himself a living soul which the darkening shade had no power to touch or put out again.
30. But still did all of man in the First World perish long ago, being consumed by a multitude of folly; yet notwithstanding these things, in such a memory as I have found have all which died come alive in me again.
31. Yet in that beginning beyond beginning did First Man dwindle away into death because of foolishness, for although his knowledge was great and ever reaching, yet of wisdom did he possess but little.
32. For of wisdom was First Man unable to lay hold seeing that unto him was no knowledge given of good or evil, being in himself uncreated of God, being without soul and having no means of bringing it forth.
33. But seeing now that in the mind of The One, First Man is made to come alive again, I have resolved to set forth the means whereby all who are willing might fashion unto themselves a living soul.
34. Thus shall I redeem First Man from the folly of all his ways, to rescue him from endless death; that from the world of the First Power might many come forth unhindered into the presence of The One.
35. Consider deeply then the mystery within, for if I reach back to redeem First Man, to make in many a living soul; how great then shall the kingdom of God become, seeing that in the beginning from one only, came forth the fullness of Heaven’s glory?
I am The One, everlasting of everlasting, dwelling beyond the great forever, beyond the sea of time; being in my heart and mind and soul the Father of all Fathers, filled with hope and endless love for all my many children;
Striving through most careful plannings to save the world of man, creating from eternal mind the algorithms of endless progression; possessing in myself the dream beyond all dreaming, dressed in light and glory, boundless, infinite, even the great eternal always.
Behold, I am The One, First God and Father Creator, Supreme and Holy Sovereign above all the Gods of Heaven; being myself and my Beloved timeless and immutable, eternal mind most ever constant; holding in my hand the streams of endless time, containing within my mystery the seeds of glory and exaltation forever, worlds without end.
For I am the Mystery deeply hidden, revealing always the songs of the ineffable filled with wonder; proving myself through kind devotion a good and holy consort; embracing to my soul the hopes and dreams of my Beloved, to be for her the fulfillment and the joy; for the Areta have I set as a crown upon my head and a light within my heart.
And together have we drawn from out of our depths both the Father and his Daughter, causing that they should create from out of their mystery even a new Heaven and a new earth; being in themselves the very Ahgendai which would hold at bay the Darkness and the Terror, to make forever the Heavens new and filled with deeper purpose.
[The Oneness of First God, Areta and The One]
16. For The One and Areta did cleave together midst love and fiery passions, spilling into each the other a fullness of affection filled with yearning and desire, proving to each through kiss and gentle touch the depths of their devotion;
17. Declaring to each their sweet surrender, being called itself the Emzahdeah; for in their love did they yield to each the fullness of the heart and soul;
18. To bring as gifts before the altar a kind regard whereby they might fulfill the desires of each the other with love exceeding, being themselves without limitations or boundaries.
19. For together were they as one God, being united through the Oneness of their souls; for in this Emzahdeah did each surrender the demands of the self, to find in the loving of each other the only thing worthy of desiring or fully needed;
20. Causing that The One should speak to his Beloved, saying: “Come, my Love, and let us be as God together, both male and female, most strongly bound in love and true devotion; for in you alone am I complete, even as you do find completeness in me.
21. Let us, therefore, be fully bound midst all our love and life together, being ourselves that endless fount from which all good things must flow, causing that we should draw from the depths of all our love this Heaven which we would make.
22. For all I am give I to thee, to be for you that truest Love which dwells within your dreams, to place in you a song to sing; for in the bosom of forever shall I love you always, to see in you the sum of my desiring.”