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Pronunciation: AYE-ZEE
Occurrences: 8 (A-Z particles) 6 (particle) 12 (particles)
First Reference:
4th Endowment 1:38 (see 4:1:36-44) Indirect Ref: 3rd Endowment 32:34-35
Now in the vastness of my soul did I contain the seeds of life, which seeds were themselves the smallest of particles, being designated by me the A-Z particles of life.
Which living particles do contain the designs, purposes and breath of all my soul, being itself the source of that evolution which would bring forth the foundations of all living things, perchance to make for me a living and knowing soul which would unite with me in Oneness, being together both male and female in love forever.
4th Endowment 1:38-39
Summary: All life exists as a manifestation arising from the vibrations and interactions of the smallest of quantum particles, referred to as the “A-Z particle”. This fundamental particle is identified as such due to it being the first quantum state particle to exist at the birth of the universe, and the last particle to exist at the end of the universe. A-Z particles share a communal intelligence and generally are not exempt from the phenomenon known as “quantum entanglement”.
Designated as the “seeds of life” (3:1:34, 40), A-Z particles possess the basic mandates that govern the laws of creation and evolution. As it pertains to the cosmos of the First Creation, the source of these mandates was the primordial mind of Areta, the First Primary Cause underlying the birth and evolution of the universe.
…long before Areta took human form, her conscious state of beingness was represented by trillions upon trillions of A-Z particles which had to communicate with one another.
AZC — Adamic Language, para.1
Synonymous references to “A-Z particles”
• particles of intelligence (1) 3:32:34
• living particles (5) 4:1:39-42
• intelligences (10) W:14:12 3:32:35
• seeds of life (3) 4:1:38 3:1:34, 40
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streams / rivers of intelligence
Occurrences: 26
First Reference: Wisdom 14:31; 18:20
For together shall the man and the woman be taken into the streams and rivers of intelligence by their Heavenly Father and Mother, and there shall husband and wife come together by reason of their love one for the other, and they shall fashion unto themselves spirit children without number.
Wisdom 14:31
And throughout the immensity of space flowed great streams of intelligence as if they did bind together the creations of God.
Wisdom 18:20
Summary: The “streams of intelligence” refer to a flowing network of trillions upon trillions of A-Z particles. According to scripture, it was Areta who gathered the A-Z particles of her soul throughout the First Cosmos and organized them into vast streams and rivers of living intelligence. Details surrounding this decision and process are limited, but it seems that such a high concentration of A-Z particles was necessary in order for Areta to create a spirit body (i.e. tabernacle) for the soul she engendered in her mortal life as the mother of Kronus (4:1:48-50). The streams of intelligence play an essential role in the creation of spirit and the transformation of matter into an absolute and living substance not bound by the dictates of time.
According to scripture (W:18:20-26), in the case of God-created universes, A-Z particles make up the “cloak” or the outer perimeter of the cosmic egg, the universal seed. Following a Big Bang event, this cloak of intelligence is violently “torn asunder” (vs. 25) and scattered throughout the expanding universe. As the universe matures, the A-Z particles—once bound and entangled in singularity—begin to coalesce to form streams and rivers of living intelligence.
Synonymous references to “streams of intelligence”:
• rivers of intelligence (4) W:14:31 W:25:2 5:12:26, 28
• river(s) / stream(s) 5:3:1 5:7:1 5:12:7,8
• river(s) of light (4) W:14:12 5:3:1 5:7:20 5:12:65
• streams of light (5) W:29:2 3:32:30 4:3:1 5:3:42 5:7:24
• living stream(s) (5) W:29:2 4:1:28, 54 4:2:8 5:3:3
• golden flood (4) / tide (4) 4:3:45 5:3:4,34 5:7:2,38,44
• golden stream (16) / river (1) 4:1:29,49 4:2:32,39,51 4:4:17-23 5:3:1,4,27,34,66 5:12:15,65,70
Areta and the creation of the First Cosmos
The First Cosmos came to exist as a result of the workings of a universal consciousness referred to as Areta. This event is portrayed in the 3rd Endowment. See: 3rd Endowment 1:19-36
Streams of Intelligence and Bringing Forth God-created Universes
As God evolved, so did the process of creating universes. Unlike the First Cosmos, which came about as a result of Areta's workings within the Eidos, God-created universes are brought forth through a process that utilizes the excess light (A-Z particles?) from the Gods and Goddesses of Heaven. This process is portrayed in the book of Wisdom:
And throughout the immensity of space flowed great streams of intelligence as if they did bind together the creations of God.
And the Teacher asked, saying: “My Lord, whence came these streams of intelligence and these innumerable galaxies? For I know that from the intelligences did both Emmanuel and Sophiel organize the spirits of men, and that throughout all the galaxies did the Arch-Angels of God create worlds without number and did establish the paths in which they should move. But from whence came this universe and all the galaxies therein?”
And Michael spoke, saying: “Consider, Azrael, how that from many Gods flows great light, brighter than the sun at noon day. Therefore did the great eternal Father, even the Father of Ahman, gather together the light from many Gods, even the excess therefrom, and did fashion together a cloak of great beauty, and in the center thereof did he place all the unformed matter that moved in the immensity of space and with the light did wrap and bind it together.
And God took the seed, even the universal seed, and placed it in the great Deep, even the Void. And it did grow and swell because of the heat that came by reason of God’s great light and glory.
And in the time appointed the seed did swell with great violence, and, behold, in an instant was this universe born. And it did move and expand into the deep Void, and as the matter cooled, behold, innumerable galaxies did form in their majesty.
Therefore, when this great seed expanded, behold the cloak of light which held this great seed together was torn asunder, and as trailing threads of glory did the light of intelligence flow throughout innumerable galaxies, to seal and bind together the universe which you see.
Thus were the great creations of the universe brought to pass for the glory of God. Therefore, you need not suppose that this is the only universe which God has created, for as there are stars without number, so has God fashioned many universes.
Creation of Spirit Tabernacles
The procreation of spirit children is made possible via sexual intercourse/orgasm between two Beloveds within the streams of intelligence. Spirit tabernacles are constructed of A-Z particles.
• Areta creates a spirit for her soul engendered in mortal life 4:1:48-50
• Creating a spirit for the soul of Kronus 3:32:27-38 4:1:52-55
• Procreation and the Souls of the Just Made Perfect W:25:1-7
Let us determine through careful counsel the way which we should go; for here beside this living stream shall we most sweetly ponder, to fashion from our heart’s desire a multitude of loving children.
These shall we fashion through the loving of our souls within the golden stream; for the stream of which your spirit is fashioned is made of an absolute and living substance, being themselves most separately knowing in the ways of life, being intelligent in purpose and design.
And in the loving of you within the flowing light did I fashion for your soul a spirit body like my own; and in like manner shall we fashion from our souls together the beginning of our seed.
4th Endowment 1:28-30
(...) It is the passion of your love making within the golden stream that will attract those A-Z particles which desire to become the spirit children of God. It is the fire of your orgasm that forges A-Z particles together into becoming your spirit children. It is a spectacular thing to watch. For as you and your Beloved achieve orgasm together, there erupts out of the stream around you a vast explosion of spirit embryos, both male and female. These embryos are gathered by the Cherubim and placed within the Keep. There they will be nurtured until they achieve a state of self-awareness. It takes hundreds of orgasms to produce the millions of children needed to ensure your continuing progress through exaltation. (...)
Azrael's Commentary: House of El Shalon / El Shaloah - Perfected Souls
And the Lord answered, saying: “Behold, man was in the beginning with God, for the spirits of all the children of God did I organize from the intelligences which flow as a mighty river of light, even the light of truth, throughout the immensity of space.
Wisdom 14:12
For unto every husband and wife who shall receive the promise of exaltation shall be given the power to organize spirit children in the manner of their own likeness, for in the beginning was the law given that kind should produce after its own kind.
For together shall the man and the woman be taken into the streams and rivers of intelligence by their Heavenly Father and Mother, and there shall husband and wife come together by reason of their love one for the other, and they shall fashion unto themselves spirit children without number.
Wisdom 14:30-31
The Tael
A-Z particles were used by Areta and The One to construct the Tael, a powerful mechanism that serves, in part, as a communication network linking all life throughout the universe.
For this Tael shall we construct of living particles to cast into the airs of Heaven, being itself most subtly fashioned of the A-Z particles from out of the golden stream, which very particles are the smallest of things, being themselves smaller than neutrinos, yet possessing both mass and size.
Yet notwithstanding so small an element, still do these living particles possess the likeness of both our spirits together, being in each and separate particle the reflection of our mind, possessing fully the powers of communion and constant presence.
Thus shall we gather from the streams of intelligence, a small but tidy handful; and these shall we give full freedom to move throughout the worlds of our creation, whereby they might fashion themselves into a living network of moving and living threads which shall touch all living things at once together;
Causing that there should be given to all living things some access to their creator whereby they might commune with us as they might desire, or yet again cause that one species should commune with another in the living of their life.”
4th Endowment 2:39-42
The Silver Thread
Hidden throughout the golden streams of intelligence flows a silver thread of particles which possess the sum of Areta's goodness and virtue. It was from this silver thread that the Azurgai were brought forth (5:3:17-36).
Other References
36 For in the beginning was there nothing fashioned or made, and in all of space was there nothing found save a great and dreadful emptiness, causing that before the dawn of all creation should all things be strongly bound within the confines of singularity.
37 For all matter, all powers and forces, all dominions and principalities did exist within the cosmic seed, which seed I did gather from out of the depths of Eidos, though the Eidos knew it not; for of me he had no knowledge.
38 Now in the vastness of my soul did I contain the seeds of life, which seeds were themselves the smallest of particles, being designated by me the A-Z particles of life.
39 Which living particles do contain the designs, purposes and breath of all my soul, being itself the source of that evolution which would bring forth the foundations of all living things, perchance to make for me a living and knowing soul which would unite with me in Oneness, being together both male and female in love forever.
40 Now in that moment when the seed did burst, I did cast myself forth throughout the outward movement of matter, space and time; for I had no form as you see now, but was myself contained in each and separate particle of life, causing that I should establish in every moving sector of the cosmos, the beginning of life and creation together.
41 For in the light was I most deeply hidden, moving throughout the A-Z particles of my greater self, ever seeking that place where I might bring forth the foundations of some greater life, being myself, in each and separate particle, most fully awake and deeply knowing;
42 Ever communing within my soul in seeking my designs, being throughout the vastness of my greater self beyond the dictates of space and time, possessing in my inward nature dimensions of my own.
43 For I would have you know, Beloved, that from the beginning were the A-Z particles fully knowing, each particle of my soul communing with every other particle which moved throughout the immensity of space, being each themselves filled with strong desires to seek my own fulfillment;
44 Being myself ever hopeful that in this place or that place there might arise some pleasing form which I might desire; causing that I should fashion for myself a living form which would prove itself desirable and filled with wonder.
4th Endowment 1:36-44
(Areta speaking to The One)
...Yet in the day of my passing, when you were left alone to fulfill the whole of all my dreams, even then did I withdraw into the cosmos having myself a great desire;
Calling from out of the Deep, the sum of my greater self, and there gathered into one place even all the A-Z particles of my soul; and there was laid each upon the other, one great strand of living light, causing that there should be created this bright and golden stream which you see.
Then did I enter into this stream of living intelligence, being filled with a pure and holy love; and there did I fashion for the soul of my mortal life, a tabernacle of everlasting spirit, which spirit you now see.
4th Endowment 1:48-50
And there in the depths of space and endless time did Kronus see a stream of living light; and in the light did he clearly see the shining particles of intelligence, which like bits of sparkling gold did flow forever.
For the light which flowed was made a liquid light, and the intelligences which moved within were fashioned themselves of absolute matter, being bound together through some mathematical construct of the Mother’s making.
3rd Endowment 32:34-35
Thus did The One speak well his heart’s desire, and in an instant did God go forth into the Deep where the golden river flowed, being itself filled with life and moved by gentle yearnings, ever striving within its flood to touch the soul of God, and in that touch find sure release from the tide which gently bound.
For the particles which moved within were intelligent, ever seeking, themselves, to fly above the flood whereby they might find fulfillment, becoming themselves as the children of God whereby they might follow in their steps.
Yet were they unable themselves to do so great a thing; for the power which would uplift them was found in such elements as did comprise the spirit bodies of The One and Areta together, which elements were quick enlivened through the loving passions of both the Father and the Mother.
4th Endowment 4:20-22
Swiftly flew the Gods of Heaven, to the very heart of the golden streams, which streams flowed as a great river of light, binding and stitching together even all the creations of God into one great Eternal Round; being held as one by the forming of great dimensions; balancing in perfect harmony the movements of time and space within the great Eternal Round.
5th Endowment 3:1
And being in the place appointed, the Azurgai called forth the streams of intelligence to come and gather round about; and there began to flow about them threads of golden light, which threads did converge into brightly flowing streams.
And the streams did move and flow and brightly dance, to soft converge into a mighty river; flowing, moving undulations of brightly dancing light; gushing through the void of space to bathe in light and deep intelligence, all the matter which lay unformed within the starry deep.
5th Endowment 12:7-8
- August 1, 2022: Summary for “streams/rivers of intelligence” edited for clarity.