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Pronunciation: ehl + kai + TEHR-ruh
Occurrences: 9
First Reference: 5th Endowment 12:24 (indirect ref: 4th Endowment 5:4)
Now the name of the earth spirit was El-Kai-Terra, and leaping forth from out of the Tael, she went and dwelt within the first world of the Ahgendai; and there existed between El-Kai-Terra and the Ahgendai a covenant of life and joy and love, filled with greater purpose.
See: Terralee, Mahaliel, Mahaleenah, Mother Earth
Summary: El-Kai-Terra is the oldest of all earth spirits who had her beginnings in the world of Terralee: the first mortal world ever to be created by God (4:5:1-11; First God). Eternities later, the Supreme Mother and Father of Heaven, Areta and The One, designated El-Kai-Terra to be the earth spirit of a new world that would host a new and more exalted class of Gods and Goddesses called the Ahgendai. El-Kai-Terra named this new world Mahaliel, and collaborated closely with the Sovereign Mother of the Ahgendai, Mahaleenah Kai-Lucia, in establishing life upon the planet (5:12:31-38).
El-Kai-Terra and the world of Terralee — 4th Endowment 5:1-11
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And The One and Areta called forth the oldest of all the earth spirits which lived among the Heavens, even that very spirit which first dwelt on Terralee in the ancient long ago, and to her did he give possession of that world which the Ahgendai had created.
Now the name of the earth spirit was El-Kai-Terra, and leaping forth from out of the Tael, she went and dwelt within the first world of the Ahgendai; and there existed between El-Kai-Terra and the Ahgendai a covenant of life and joy and love, filled with greater purpose.
And seeing that the world in which she dwelt was good and pleasing, she did give unto it a name by which it would be forever known, calling the earth: Mahaliel; being named in honor of Mahaleenah; for between El-Kai-Terra and Mahaleenah was there found an abundance of affection.