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Father of Chaos
Occurrences: 13
First Reference: Enlightenment 1:25
So it came about that there sat beside the Chasm which divided the lesser light from the greater, a dark and brooding presence, even Yaldabaoth, Father of Chaos, Lord of Darkness.
See: Demiurge, Nemesis, Yaldabaoth
Summary: The “Father of Chaos” is a title designating the Nemesis of God and Heaven,
known as Yaldabaoth, Chief Demiurgos of the matter unformed (1:6:19).
For behold, I alone am Chief Demiurgos of matter unformed. Father of Chaos am I; for by my own power have I brought me forth out of the Abyss whose Depth I alone perceive.
I am he whose name is unspeakable, whose countenance unknowable, whose power is greater than any other; for Darkness and Depth have I created, and the glory of all lesser things have I weighed in the hand.
Enlightenment 1:34-35
Thus would I create from the Antipode, the very enemy of God, possessing unto himself a purpose and identity peculiar to himself, being made forever the Chief Demiurgos, Lord of Darkness, Father of Chaos; having in his soul an endless thirst for that darker glory which he alone can see.
1st Endowment 5:20
And Yaldabaoth answered, saying: “Father of Chaos, Lord of Darkness am I, even the Chief Demiurgos of the matter unformed; for I alone am the Self-Created One, for by my own power did I draw myself from the Abyss which you see gathered about you.
Behold, I am he whose name is unspeakable, whose countenance unknowable, possessing unto myself the only true power which is greater than any other; for Darkness and Depth have I created, whereby I might rule supreme throughout the halls of endless night.
For I am Dominion, dark and dreadful to behold, making subject unto my greater will the strongest of all the mighty; for I alone am made Father unto thee. Serve me therefore, and live or else I shall destroy you altogether.”
1st Endowment 6:19-21
And with a mighty and terrible roar, Yaldabaoth declared throughout the fartherest reaches of the cosmos, saying: “I am Yaldabaoth, Chief Demiurgos of the matter unformed; being forever in all, through out, and before all, even the Father of Chaos am I.
Holding in my hand the only true power; being in my soul both dark and dreadful, both swift and sudden, destroying utterly the hope of all creation; for I am Dominion, the only terror, possessing neither visage nor countenance, having neither shape nor form, being ever boundless and immeasurable.
1st Endowment 7:9-10