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Occurrences: 1
First Reference: 6th Endowment 6:1
I am The One, everlasting of everlasting, dwelling beyond the great forever, beyond the sea of time; being in my heart and mind and soul the Father of all Fathers, filled with hope and endless love for all my many children;
See: The One
Summary: The male representation of First God, known as The One, refers to himself
as the “Father of all Fathers” (6:6:1). Other designations of The One include, “Father
Creator”, “the Mystery”, “Eternal Mind”, “Eternal One”, and “Endless Soul”.
[Ahman speaking to The One]
Of whom then should I some greater counsel seek if not you Most Holy? For you, alone, from the First World came, being of yourself the greatest God of All; before whom countless eternities without fail must move.