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Occurrences: 52
First Reference: 1st Endowment 5:13
Therefore, my son, did I reason rightly to make for myself this great and unyielding foe, this relentless Nemesis which would come forth as Yaldabaoth, to strike hard and battle against me, to destroy forever the kingdoms of God.
See: Antipode, Yaldabaoth
Summary: The Nemesis refers to Yaldabaoth, the Chief Demiurgos and eternal enemy of light and virtue. Yaldabaoth was brought forth by The One in order to introduce an element of struggle to the kingdoms of Heaven. In doing so, The One sought to increase the glory of Heaven and protect the kingdoms of light from the threat of mediocrity and complacency (1:5:12-33). Having his origins as the Antipode, Yaldabaoth has proven to be a most cunning and dangerous enemy to God and the citizens of Heaven.
The One simultaneously brought forth an additional power to contend against the Nemesis, referred to as the the Ahgendai (5:2:20-33; 5:3:11. Also known as the “Dread Savior”, the Ahgendai protects the kingdoms of light from Yaldabaoth’s dark and destructive intents (5:12:58).
5th Endowment 2 The One reveals plans to bring forth the Antipode and the Ahgendai
5th Endowment 15:58-69 The One explains the rise of the Nemesis to the citizens of Elohim
Thus did I begin to lay the foundations for the greatest glory of all; for I determined that I would make for myself a perfect opposite, an antipode which would press hard against me at every turn, that perchance he might destroy me altogether.
Therefore, my son, did I reason rightly to make for myself this great and unyielding foe, this relentless Nemesis which would come forth as Yaldabaoth, to strike hard and battle against me, to destroy forever the kingdoms of God.
For I would guard well the kingdoms of the greater Light against that stale complacency which would lay waste to the whole of all our glory, to destroy forever Hodos Alea;
For the true danger which would prove the ruin and desolation of this heavenly light was never found in the opposition of evil as some might suppose, but rather in the mediocrity and the shadows of those vain imaginings which would make as ruin the very soul of all our glory.