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Pronunciation: fih-NAI-uh / FIH-nee-uh / fih-NEE-uh
Occurrences: 10
First Reference: Beginnings 20:28
So Lamech sent forth his son, Noah, eastward towards the land of Shinar. And after many days journey, he came to the house of Phiniah the brother of Lamech. And all the house of Phiniah rejoiced to see the son of Lamech, and they took him unto their bosom.
Summary: Phiniah was Noah’s uncle, the brother of Noah’s father, Lamech (B:20:28). The family of Phiniah lived in the land of Shinar, a many-days journey eastward from Mount Moriah. Noah fell in love with Phiniah’s daughter, Suzanne, but Phiniah would not consent to their marriage, as Phiniah had two older daughters without husbands (c. 4,995 BCE). Late one evening, Noah and a servant of his grandfather (Methuselah) secretly took Suzanne from her father’s tent and the three of them rushed back to their settlement near Mount Moriah. While Lamech was initially upset by his son’s methods, Methuselah was overjoyed, seeing that the two loved each other greatly. Methuselah eased Lamech’s worries by promising to purchase peace between the two families if necessary. Noah and Suzanne were married by Methuselah and Ziphia on Mount Moriah (B:20:26-42).