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Occurrences: 11
First Reference: Yeshua 10:75
Therefore, if you would dwell in peace beside your Father which is in Heaven, make no man subject unto yourselves; neither by unrighteous dominion make gain of them.
See: Covenant of Promise, Immediate Recompense, Minimalism (Doctrine of)
Summary: Unrighteous dominion refers to an act of force or coercion toward an individual or group for the sake of personal gain or glorification. It entails the forcing of another’s will, regardless of how blatant or subtle the method. According to scripture, God abhors unrighteous dominion and considers it a sin, taking constant measures to avoid it completely in dealing with their children (4:6:7-10; 4:21:18-19; 5:4:55-57). God adheres to the Doctrine of Minimalism, which prescribes the use of small and subtle means combined with patience and a relentless will in order to accomplish great and lasting achievements (5:14:45-51).
Shaemdiel’s efforts to achieve progression and glory through the Law of Immediate Recompense was flawed in that it was rooted in unrighteous dominion and the rule of moral tyranny (6:4:37-40).
God encourages their children to make covenants throughout their life. In the making and keeping of covenants, an individual permits God to work and act on their behalf while avoiding unrighteous dominion, i.e.: righteous dominion (7:5:11-12).
Many religious institutions engage in unrighteous dominion. The book of Wisdom portrays an incident in which the Teacher rebukes a high priest for exercising unrighteous dominion over his congregation (W:11:39-45).
For this must you, yourselves, most rightly know that the first law of Heaven is not obedience but love instead; for those who love as God does love, even these have no need of the law, to be themselves compelled in the doing of good, but do themselves the goodly thing for the sake of love only.
For it is not through the law of many commandments that God would coerce that we should seek the greater portion, but through love and godly wisdom only; becoming ourselves, if we should choose, both well instructed and deeply learned in the things which come from God; making of our life a prayer and a song which we would offer up with joyful hands.
4th Endowment 21:18-19
And before the sum of all their seed did God place the Covenant of Promise; for in this covenant did both the Father and the Mother pledge the fullness of their devotion, to be as constant and ever watchful in the lives of those who lived; teaching here and guiding there the place where they should go, but only if they be willing and not uncertain.
For God would force no child against their will, being themselves content to woo and gently call, leading instead with gentle words of kind persuasion, drawn from loving hearts; showing through their words and deeds the ways of life and sweet fulfillment.
For God did frown with cold disdain upon the forcing of the will, for in unrighteous dominion did God take quick offense filled with sorrow, seeing that it was rooted only in the authority and place of another, and not in love or kind regard.
Thus did God command that the angels should refrain from such authority as mere men would seek to place upon the brightness of their persons, but to lead instead with words of wisdom filled with kind affection.
4th Endowment 6:7-10
45. And though there move against me the whims of unexpected happenstance, still shall I continue on and not relent; ever moving steadily on in achieving the whole of our designs; being myself most ever careful to withhold my hand from unrighteous dominion when opposing the Lord of Chaos.
46. For this do we as Gods abhor, that we should feel as those made weak and deeply fearful; embracing to our soul the rule of force and unrighteous dominion in the seeking of our true design; for only the fearful and ungodly will this most strive to do.
47. Seeing therefore that Yaldabaoth should possess a will of his own, bearing upon its fearsome tide the purposes, designs, intents and goals of so fearsome a master; which will shall clash against my own midst move and countermove;
48. Causing that there should weigh most subtly against the whole of my design the unexpected happenstance: How then shall I set right the course I deign to have, whereby I might prove at last victorious; avoiding with watchful diligence the dark rule of unrighteous dominion?
49. This then have I weighed in the hand and in my soul have well determined, for in watching well the Gods of Heaven have I observed their own behavior; how that in the working of their will they use most subtly the smallest of means, avoiding through the smallest of measures the hurt of unrighteous dominion.
50. Thus in the Doctrine of Minimalism shall I use the smallest of measure to shape and turn the greatest events, avoiding through the slightest and most subtle of means the heavy weight of unrighteous dominion; for there is nothing made impossible to those who are wise and patient, being in themselves most relentless and indomitable also.
51. For those who are wise do know most certain, that in using that which appears as something small and insignificant today, if given time, will on the morrow prove the hinge upon which greater events are turned; to cast the shadows into light, changing defeat into victory.
5th Endowment 14:45-51
For in the Law of Immediate Recompense was there no room for individuality, for in the law was even all the tribe made to suffer because of the sins of one; causing that every man and every woman should think and act for the good of all, and not for themselves alone.
Know then that in this aspect is there a benefit found which would prove to the good of all; to create a sense of oneness in the minds of all those who would live within the larger group, to make of many, one mind, one heart, one soul; creating within the tribe a sense of harmony bound by a single purpose.
Yet in the darker aspect of the law is neither benefit nor reward, for in the law of Shaemdiel did he alone decide what was good and what was evil; taking away from the group and the individual the right to know these things for themselves; being themselves made subject to the rule of moral tyranny.
Which moral tyranny is an offense to God, being itself rooted in unrighteous dominion, suppressing through the fear of punishment, the moral conscience of every person within the larger group; to make of every man and every woman a silent partaker in the doing of dark and hurtful things.
6th Endowment 4:37-40
Thus in the taking of a covenant is God made a participant in your life, having set aside through covenant, the scourge of unrighteous dominion, permitting that God should act in your behalf, even as you, through covenant would act for God.
Behold and deep consider, for I am Areta, Supreme Mother of all the realms of Heaven, having above me neither God nor Goddess, yet am I even now most deeply guarded through the making of many covenants; having pledged through sacred honor the keeping of my word and the receiving of another’s.
7th Endowment 5:11-12