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Pronunciation: er
Occurrences: 4
First Reference: Beginnings 6:5
Now in the beginning, the Ancient of Days came forth unto the land of Ur in a mighty vision, and he spoke unto a certain man named Enoch, saying: “Come, O son of man, and attend your ear unto the words which I shall speak unto you. For I shall send you forth among the sons and daughters of men.
See: Nod (land of), Chaldees
Summary: In ancient Mesopotamia, the land of Ur is presumed to have been located around the southwestern banks of the Euphrates river. According to scripture, the land of Ur was north of the first city of Sumer, which was located in the land of Nod (B:6:15).
The prophet Enoch was called by the Ancient of Days to gather the righteous throughout the land of Ur (c. 8,860 BCE). Enoch and his following eventually built a beautiful city not far from the walls of Sumer (B:6:5-15).
“Fear not, Abraham, for I am come to call you forth from the land of Ur of the Chaldeans, that you may be separated from among all the people of the land.
For I shall show you a land which is choice above all other lands, which land I shall give you and your seed forever.
Beginnings 27:6-7