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Pronunciation:  SOO-muhr

Occurrences:  168

First Reference:  Beginnings 4:25


And Cain built a city and named it Sumer, for it was the mother of nations; and on the banks of the Euphrates did he build it and all the children of men marveled at the greatness thereof.



See:  Azotus, Busiris, Cain, Jandrus, Nod, Rahob, Shinar, Sethian Empire, Sumerian Empire, Yasher-Baal


Summary:  Perhaps the first great city to be established in human pre-history, Sumer was founded by Cain, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve (B:1:23; 1:8:43-46). Located in the “land of Nod” along the banks of the Euphrates river (B:4:24-25), the city is referred to in scripture as the “mother of nations and of war” (B:6:15,18). After Cain murdered his younger brother Abel, he left the dwelling place of his family (Eden), and taking with him his many wives and “those who would take power and dominion over the souls of men” (B:4:24), he journeyed westward to the Euphrates river where he began laying foundations for what would eventually become the first kingdom of Sumer. Based on dates provided in Azrael’s Commentary and references in scripture, Cain’s exodus from Eden to the land of Nod is estimated to have taken place around 12,720 BCE (AZC — Abel; Adamic Council; B:6:1).


Centuries later, following the Adamic Council and the ascension of Adam and Eve (c. 11,845 BCE), approximately one third of the Adamic family followed Cain back to Sumer, while the rest of the Adamic family joined with Seth and journeyed west to the lands of Egypt (AZC — Adamic Council).


Sumer continued to grow and flourish for many centuries. After the collapse of the Sethian Empire in Egypt (c. 8,850 BCE; see AZC — Adami), the prophet Enoch led a host of righteous refugees to the walls of Sumer to request a portion of land to settle nearby (1:3:28-30). Cain was hesitant to accommodate Enoch, but when Enoch promised and delivered a miraculous end to the drought, Cain granted the land bordering the nearby Lake Ishan (B:6:5 — 7:14).


Soon after Enoch had established the city of Zion (c. 8,840 BCE), Cain was murdered by his son Yasher-Baal (B:7:20-36), who quickly assumed the throne of Sumer and set about initiating a violent and tyrannical regime throughout the land. Yasher-Baal formed three armies, establishing as generals: Penuel, the son of Jabesh, and Dagos the Timmerite. Yasher-Baal commanded his own army, which was comprised of men of Adamic descent, I.e., the sons of Cain, who stood “head and shoulders above all the sons of men” (B:8:14). Under the repressive dictatorship of Yasher-Baal, the power and dominion of Sumer was greatly expanded. With the appointment of judges and priests, an oppressive theocracy was foisted upon the people. Under the authority of Busiris as the chief judge, and Rahob as the high priest, the laws of Sumer were zealously administered and strictly enforced through capital punishment and blood atonement (B:7:44-67).


While the destruction of Zion remained an elusive achievement for Yasher-Baal, he and his armies conquered several neighboring city-states, including the cities of Kish, Shinar, Uruk, Babel and Calneh — with each city falling under the rule of Chemosh, Remlah, Marduk, Belzebub, and Melech (respectively), all of whom were Yasher-Baal’s sons (B:11:33-37). (When Remlah was killed by the freedom-fighter, Elon Zanoah, Yasher-Baal’s son Adrammelech was appointed king of Shinar in Remlah’s place (B:15:49)).


Following the ascension of the inhabitants of Zion and the destruction of the city by an earthquake (c. 8,780 BCE), Yasher-Baal abandoned the throne of Sumer to wander about the lands in madness. The might of Sumer eventually crumbled midst power struggles and civil war (B:18 —19).


With the collapse of the Sumerian Empire, many of the Adaam who had chosen to follow Cain and Yasher-Baal eventually reunited with other remnants of the Adamic family who had coalesced under the leadership of Methuselah I.



Azrael’s Commentary — Cain


The eldest son of Adam and Eve, Cain was a murderer and a polygamist who had over 300 wives. As the founder of the first kingdom of Sumer, Cain was a remarkable man who could be both charming and ruthless. He was known in the scriptures as The Father of Nations and of War. One of the first teachers of the Adaam committed to laying the building blocks essential to the creation of civilization, Cain taught the Enoshahim the arts of metal smithing, tool making, arithmetic, and the building of towns and cities. He developed the first monetary system in the world based on a rigid set of values for the exchange of trade goods. Cain was murdered by his son, Yasher-Baal around 8,840 BCE (approx).






But consider how this law must be administered. Let us, therefore, choose from among our sons, wise men who will defend the laws of Sumer against those who would come forth to proclaim the words of that God whom we know not. And let us place into their hands the power to punish and destroy all who would contend against us.

Beginnings 7:54


And Yasher-Baal chose from among the sons of Sumer nine men and appointed them over the law. Wherefore, Yasher-Baal did anoint them to be judges over the people, that the power of nations and of men might be hedged up round about by the law.

Beginnings 7:58


Therefore, let our priests go throughout the land of Sumer, that unto every town and village they might teach the people this religion which shall grant unto us all that we will.

For if the people worship the god which we shall teach unto them, what shall it matter. For they can do but what we have taught them by way of those priests which we have appointed over them.”

Beginnings 7:63-64


Sulla Cornellius
Sumerian Empire