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Occurrences: 6 (Azrael’s Commentary - 9)
First Reference: Beginnings 23:14
Now Ham went forth to the lands of Egypt, and they tarried there among a people which he had never seen before, for they were dark of skin and gentle in their ways.
See: Ham, John the Baptizer
Summary: The lands of Egypt have been historically significant throughout the dispensations. Mentions of Egypt in the Song of God and Azrael’s Commentary are as follows:
• Seth, the son of Adam, established twelve cities in Egypt, which cities later
became a great empire.
AZC — Adamic Council; Seth; Sethian Empire 1:3:21-28
• Methuselah I led an extensive missionary effort in Egypt, reuniting remnants of
the Adamic family.
AZC — Methuselah I
• Ham, the son of Noah, led a missionary expedition south from Mount Ararat to the
lands of Egypt.
B:23:4-18 B:24:4-6
• The body of John the Baptizer was taken by Essene disciples to be buried in Elephantine,
Y:5:49-50 AZC — John the Baptizer Lesson Notes: April /
May 2008
• The Nag Hammadi library was discovered in Egypt in 1945.
W:29:17 Refer
to: What is a True Gnostic?
49. So John perished in Machaerus, being beheaded at the word of Herod and his disciples, taking the body towards Egypt, buried him amidst great weeping.
50. And they mourned for him thirty days; in sackcloth and ashes did they lament the passing of the Essene.