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General Videos  -  EROEL video series »

Living Gnosis of the Ahgendai


Turning Dreams Into Visions

21:44 – reality of Heaven ▪ mindless New Age fluff ▪ the stumbling block of self ▪ resolve & adversity ▪ making God real


Failure of Religion and Atheism

27:56 – why discuss beliefs? aesthetic response ▪ reason and faith ▪ power of speech ▪ assuming responsibility ▪ God evolved from humanity


Honor and Peace - part 1

4:21 – living your stated beliefs ▪ do we really want peace? creating honor ▪ identifying true belief ▪ Prince of Peace...where’s the peace?


Honor and Peace - part 2

15:09 – manifesting the divine ▪ piety is not holiness ▪ Gnostic teachings abandoned ▪ duped by religion ▪ True Gnostic peace ▪ the birthseed of God


Peace Warrior - part 1

10:22 – man’s peace vs God’s peace ▪ a peace rooted in choice ▪ tyranny is not peace ▪ failure of old peace models ▪ peace begins with you


Peace Warrior - part 2

11:51 – a peaceful declaration of war ▪ tactics and strategies ▪ doing the unexpected ▪ Yeshua and Gandhi ▪ divine defiance ▪ a new hardwiring


Peace Warrior - part 3

13:41 – Christian nations still fighting ▪ Yeshua: love your enemies ▪ identifying the real enemy ▪ ego: battlefield of the soul ▪ the right to be kind


Spiritual Pursuit, Science & Faith

20:46 – always at the beginning, metaphysical methodology ▪ feelings and rational thought ▪ what color is God? one book many paths ▪ faith empowered by choice


Gnostic Faith vs Religious Fear

7:26 – distinquishing true faith ▪ God is not a mugger ▪ fear-based religions ▪ unrighteous dominion ▪ the right to walk away ......................................................................

Let Go and Transcend

7:25 – captured by the past ▪ letting go of pain ▪ transformation ▪ becoming Only Begotten


Gnostic Sanctuaries and Priesthood

9:50 – purpose and value of a sanctuary ▪ gnostic priesthood and its offices ▪ creating sacred moments ▪ connecting with God


In Search of the Sacred

1:47 – recognizing and experiencing the sacred ▪ Azrael’s role ▪ looking within


God is our Future

2:23 – Song of God is about humanity - not doom and gloom ▪ God evolved from humanity ▪ no need to fear the future, closing of the 7th Dispensation


Gnostic Manual from the Future

3:08 – why join the True Gnostic Church? God offers us Their future - Song of God is the manual ▪ the Song is familiar to those who come from God


Heavenly Mother & the LDS Church

1:55 – Heavenly Mother silenced and covered up ▪ Mormonism and Islam ▪ Original Sin and Christianity - a ‘monster religion’


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 1: Examining LDS Doctrine of Eternal Families

4:46 – Why does the Mormon church teach being sealed to earthly parents instead of Heavenly Parents?


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 2: Revealing the Family of God on Earth

7:42 – The purpose of fellowship in the True Gnostic Church ▪ comparing families - divine and mortal


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 3: Transformation and Transcendence

6:55 – Creating a spirit of Oneness among true Gnostics ▪ reincarnation ▪ becoming Only Begotten


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 4:
The Power of Oneness

4:42 – Bending the fate of nations and kings ▪ I AM an eternal being ▪ the gardens of Ondi-Ahman


Gnostic Fellowship - pt 5:
The Religion of True Gnostics

3:27 – A church of true Gnostics - whose religion is humanity ▪ building a new Heaven and earth


Two Sides to Every Coin - pt 1

25:28 – Duality ▪ ‘As Man is - God once was’ ▪ the birth and death of gods ▪ time travel ▪ bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of Man


Two Sides to Every Coin - pt 2

27:44 – Unraveling the mystery ▪ discovering eternal Self ▪ going to the mountains ▪ a God that showed up ▪ the process of becoming ▪ turning pain into beauty


The Gnostic Sanctuary

20:12 – Discovering transformation ▪ reflecting the peace of God ▪ who can create a sanctuary?


Preserving the Sacred Moment

8:12 – How to keep the peace of God ▪ seduced by illusions ▪ lured and baited by strong opinions





“Living peaceably is a declaration of war; it’s just a peaceful one.”


True Gnostics are warriors. We don’t use guns or bombs or angry words. The weapons we use involve the ethos of a warrior, and the etiquette of grace.


“Evil is to be resisted, not provoked. It is to be out-thought, not outfought.”


Azrael speaks about Gandhi and his non-violent, unexpected approach to liberating India.


The real enemy is not the person yelling at you. It’s not the person hitting you or humiliating you. The real enemy is your lower passions. It is your lesser self seeking recognition and justification. Don’t surrender your peace and justify your opposition.


How do you fight evil without provoking it? How do you maintain your peace in a violent world? The methods for doing so can be found in the Gnostic teachings of Yeshua.


Azrael explains how Yeshua’s teachings on peace often offended even his own disciples (ie: Love your enemy...). Yeshua taught to do the unexpected when dealing with the enemy. His counsel to “turn the other cheek” was not intended to be an act of submission or weakness, but rather, it is the peace warrior’s first act of DIVINE DEFIANCE:


“It is to look your enemy in the face and say: “You can hit me all you want. I will not be moved. I will not respond the way you do. I will not respond the way you expect. Every time you beat on me and I don’t respond – but I look at you kindly and I’m gracious – you will look bad.”


In this battle, you will get hit. Be on your guard. Living peaceably is an art which can be mastered. It takes strength, endurance, courage and discipline. It is about transcending the narrow confines of your lesser self and devoting your life to the cause: being peace.


True Gnostics do not march for peace.

We do not preach peace.

We live peace.


Modify your evolutionary hardwiring: read the Song of God.



Related Verses from the Song of God


Therefore, if you would be a follower of the Anointed One, live in peace with all men, being filled continually with love and mercy, seeking ever the righteous way.

And give to no man evil for evil, insult for insult, injury for injury; but in blessing only lift high the hand of peace. By such means shall you secure to your soul the glory of God, and you shall become as the children of the Most High, and the Holy Spirit shall make rich her abode with you, to dress you round about with peace and holiness.

Yeshua 2:43-44


...Why will you not understand? Behold, I tell you truly, that the kingdom of Heaven cometh not with fire and sword, but in peace and joy shall it spread itself upon the earth.

Yeshua 15:63


Therefore, be you respectful and filled with grace towards every man and every woman, possessing in yourselves a courteous and gracious etiquette filled with manners of charm and style; by such means shall you walk smoothly and untroubled throughout the affairs of low and common men.

Esteeming every man and every woman as worthy to receive of you the goodly portion, covering with your own grace the rudeness which others speak and do; establishing through tireless efforts the foundations of peace and justice.

For of your life would I reveal a mystery and a wonder, for you are the power of God upon the earth, if it so be that you should elect yourselves to do much good; becoming yourselves the imitators of heavenly things, being yourselves established in the depths of the Father and the Mother from which you come.

4th Endowment 22:42-44


Thus, on the battlefield of the soul does your true spirit struggle daily against that dark speaker which is born of this life only, each contending within your heart for the mastery of the self....

For this I tell you for your learning, that the battle between the greater and lesser portion is not found in such adversities as do swirl about you, but rather is it found within the very soul of you.

4th Endowment 12:26, 36


For the peace of God is never found in the absence of your faith, neither is it felt within when fear and doubt intrude, or when the mind in anger fumes and seeks for some revenge; but is instead that quiet assurance that God is always near.

7th Endowment 6:11




» Video:  Peace Warrior - part 1                      » Video:  Peace Warrior - part 3

» Topical Guide:  PEACE , EGO                   
