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Pronunciation: GO-ee-ai
Occurrences: 12
First Reference: 4th Endowment 3:10
For there were numbered among the cherubs those which had wings like unto the butterfly, permitting that they should fly above the forest and in the valleys, to race with graceful speed being called among themselves the Goieye.
Summary: The Goieye represent one of three tribes or Houses of the Cherubim. The tribe of the Goieye is by far the largest in population. Their wings are like those of a butterfly (4:3:10), the patterns and colors of which are unique to the individual cherub. The Goieye nurture and care for the innocent children of God on the Celestial moons of Paradise (4:4:29-36). Cherubim of the Goieye also help to protect and teach the spirits of animals as they progress through their mortal lives (4:15:57-58).
During the advent of Heaven, the Cherubim were rescued by Areta and The One from the dying planet of Xandalea, which existed in the First Cosmos. The Cherubim became the first angels of Heaven, pledging their happy service to God for all eternity (4:3:1-60).