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Pronunciation:  DZHAY-fhuth

Occurrences:  3

First Reference:  Beginnings 23:4


Thus taught Noah to the children of Adam, even all them who had desires to understand great wisdom. And after seven years he divided them into four companies, and over each he set one of his sons, and their names were Shem the elder, Japheth, Ham and Cimbri.



See:  Adaam, Cimbri, Ham, Noah, Shem


Summary:  Japheth was one of Noah’s four sons who each led an expeditionary company from Mount Ararat to distant lands, teaching the Enoshahim  (native evolutionary humans) the words of God and preparing them for the flood of spirits (B:23:5-9, 13). Japheth led his group north, then eastward toward the lands of modern-day Kazakhstan and Russia. The extent of Japheth’s travels is unknown.


Shem - northward (Mesopotamia, Fertile Crescent)

Japheth - north, then eastward (Russia)

Ham - southward (Egypt)

Cimbri - westward (Europe)






Thus taught Noah to the children of Adam, even all them who had desires to understand great wisdom. And after seven years he divided them into four companies, and over each he set one of his sons, and their names were Shem the elder, Japheth, Ham and Cimbri.

And he commanded them straightly to travel forth unto every distant land, that wherever they should find the Enoshahim they might teach unto them the words of God, that they might not be made to fear concerning the coming forth of the spirits of God unto them.

Therefore, to all who should receive to themselves the breath of God, even unto them would God establish the way whereby the children of men should be made one with the house of Adam.

That whosoever should walk in the ways of godliness, to them would the promise be given whereby they should receive unto their souls the adoption wherewith they should become the children of God.

Now Noah desired that every kindred, tongue, and people upon the earth should be made as one people by the coming forth of the spirit children of God.

For God, even the Ancient of Days, desired that there should be but one Lord and one shepherd over all the earth.

So Noah sent forth his sons throughout all the lands of the earth, and with them also went the sons and daughters of Adam who desired to do the works of God among the children of men.

Beginnings 23:4-10


And Japheth with his company journeyed northward and after many days he turned his face towards the sun and journeyed forth, and unto whatever place they journeyed, the sons and daughters of Adam were made to dwell among the children of Enosh.

And they taught them concerning the coming forth of the spirits of God which would come to dwell within them.

Beginnings 23:12-13


Now the ways of men became divided also, for they no longer spoke the same language. For in the beginning the sons of Noah spoke the language of Adam, which had been preserved throughout many generations, even down to Noah.

But in the days when the children of Shem the elder, Japheth, Ham and Cimbri moved over all the face of the earth, to dwell among a diverse people, they did mix the language of others with their own. And after many years their language was no longer pure.

And the priesthood which Noah had confirmed upon the sons of his loins began to diminish from the earth because of great wickedness. And ignorance and bestiality entered into the hearts of men.

Beginnings 24:4-6

