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Pronunciation: LAI-nuhs + meh-DOR-uh
Occurrences: 1
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 16:2
Which thing caused that Manegus Acquilla should stand beside Kronus as chief advisor; and there was also chosen to command: Linus Medora, Taurus Mahroo, Victor Germanicus, Cassius Polinus and Julius Kasari; and unto each was there given one thousand men to lead into battle.
See: Chen (empire), Kronus Maximillius, Octavius
Summary: During the First Track of the world of the First Power, Linus Medora was one of five commanders appointed under Kronus Maximillius to lead troops during Drakonia’s defense of Fortress Octavius against the invading armies of the Chen (3:16:2). The young and inexperienced Kronus Maximillius was chosen by the Emperor to be tested in leading the campaign against Ahgi Wynnaki and the Chen (3:15:62 — 3:17:52).