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Occurrences: 5
First Reference: 1st Endowment 6:21
For I am Dominion, dark and dreadful to behold, making subject unto my greater will the strongest of all the mighty; for I alone am made Father unto thee. Serve me therefore, and live or else I shall destroy you altogether.”
See: Darkness, Demiurge, Evil, Nemesis, Yaldabaoth
Summary: Yaldabaoth, the Chief Demiurge and Nemesis of God and Heaven, uses the
term “Dominion” in reference to himself, saying: “I am Dominion, the only terror...”
(1:7:10), or again, “I am Dominion, dark and dreadful to behold...” (1:6:21; 5:17:58).
Yaldabaoth is referred to a single time in scripture as “Dark Dominion” (1:7:8).
A common understanding of Dominion is the power to control, or the power to command. While Yaldabaoth may believe he has complete power and control, his ‘dominion’ will always be inferior to that of The One.
Such was the dreadful power of the Chief Demiurgos in the midst of the First Creation; and there stirred suddenly about, the very Eidos, and seeing within it the presence of that Dark Dominion, it shuddered and trembled greatly.
And with a mighty and terrible roar, Yaldabaoth declared throughout the fartherest reaches of the cosmos, saying: “I am Yaldabaoth, Chief Demiurgos of the matter unformed; being forever in all, through out, and before all, even the Father of Chaos am I.
Holding in my hand the only true power; being in my soul both dark and dreadful, both swift and sudden, destroying utterly the hope of all creation; for I am Dominion, the only terror, possessing neither visage nor countenance, having neither shape nor form, being ever boundless and immeasurable.
And the dreadful father spoke to the dreadful son, saying: “I am your Father, Yaldabaoth is my name. Father of Chaos, Lord of Darkness am I, even the Chief Demiurgos of the matter unformed. For I alone am the Self-Created One, for by my own power did I draw myself out from the Abyss.
Behold, I am he whose name is unspeakable, whose countenance unknowable, possessing unto myself the only true power which is greater than any other; for Darkness and Depth have I created, whereby I might rule supreme throughout the halls of endless night.
For I am Dominion, dark and dreadful to behold; making subject to my greater will the strongest of the mighty; for I alone am made father unto you. Serve me well therefore and live or else I shall destroy you altogether.