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Pronunciation: zih-muh-GAY-uh
Occurrences: 6
First Reference: 5th Endowment 12:13
And not this only, for there were drawn from both the Azraella and Mahaleenah the twenty-four dimensions of space and time; which in the language of God are called the Zimagayah, having in each dimension seven primes, and to each prime was there given twelve fractals of linear time.
See: binding codes, dimensions, Eternal Round, Janmoleah, Kadasarooya, Koshendai, Mahali-Kadass, Tael
Summary: The Zimagayah refer to the twenty-four dimensions of space-time that were “drawn from both the Azraella and Mahaleenah” (5:12:13). Each dimension of the Zimagayah possesses seven primes, with each prime possessing twelve fractals of linear time.
Prior to the advent of the Antipode and the Ahgendai, the reality of God and Heaven (ie, the Great Eternal Round) was comprised of twelve dimensions. Scripture presents an increase of dimensions and a concurrent expansion of reality with the creation and maturation of the Antipode (later identified as Yaldabaoth) and the Ahgendai, as represented by Azraella and Mahaleenah.
According to scripture, the Azraella created creatures of immense power called the Koshendai to guard the Zimagayah. The fractals of linear time within the Zimagayah are protected and made sovereign by the seals of Mahali-Kadass, which were established by Mahaleenah. Also related to the Zimagayah are the binding codes of Kadasarooya (5:13:41-42). Little else is revealed in scripture about the Zimagayah and its associated terms.
And Azraella reached deep into his soul and there did he fashion through the power
of the oracles, the binding codes of Kadasarooya; which very codes would empower
him to create a world of exquisite form and beauty; being bound in each its several
parts into a oneness both rare and glorious.
And not this only, for there were drawn from both the Azraella and Mahaleenah the twenty-four dimensions of space and time; which in the language of God are called the Zimagayah, having in each dimension seven primes, and to each prime was there given twelve fractals of linear time.
Thus to guard well the fractals of time which moved within each prime, Mahaleenah did set about them the seals of Mahali-Kadass; causing that each fractal should be separate and sovereign from every other fractal of time, yet within the Tael were all made to appear as one in purpose and deep design.
And seeing that all things were prepared for the creation of their realm, Azraella gave forth a quick command and, behold, all the eternal matter which lay within the golden tide did leap from out of the flood, moving and grinding each against the other; forming through great and heated pressures a sphere of wondrous light.
Which sphere of light was strongly bound within the Zimagayah; and there formed within the sphere a bright and shining world having a great many seas and oceans; and out from the depths of the seas did there rise forth three great continents of land, each constructed of mighty mountains and broad fertile plains and deep valleys.
And there came forth out of the stream, the very Koshendai which would guard the gates of all twenty-four dimensions; to hold in their hands the keys of Zimagayah; proving themselves through kind devotions the guardians of the great Eternal Round.
For the Kragenjin could not be seen or felt, being themselves most deeply hidden with the twelfth fractal of the seventh prime of the twenty-fourth dimension of the Zimagayah; proving themselves as those unknown and unperceived by any other power save that of the Ahgendai.
Consider then what the Janmoleah should mean, for in the mysteries of Janmoleah were all things, events, histories and persons recorded and firmly held through the binding codes of Kadasarooya; which binding codes did move the keys of the Zimagayah in most subtle fashion.
Permitting that persons of one era should move through the veils of space and time to touch the people of another era; and this only for their good; for in the mysteries of Janmoleah did God reach back to ages past, to change the distant future; and this through the wisdom of all the Gods together.
Let us therefore master well our parts, for it is not given that any of us can perish because of battle or of war; for we possess in ourselves the keys of Zimagayah; but of the Archons is it known already that they themselves can perish.
For the Archons of God are made to master a fullness of twelve dimensions, but to the Demiurge are there given some nineteen dimensions in which to wage a bitter strife; but to Yaldabaoth alone is there given some twenty-three dimensions in which he might establish well his power over the sum of all his kind.