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Pronunciation: YO-shih-beth + ma-HAH-lee
Occurrences: 119 (1 - “Yoshibeth Mahali”)
First Reference: 3rd Endowment 20:16 / 3rd Endowment 23:34
Thus on the first night when Kronus decided, himself, to lay with the woman to love her, he spoke to her most softly in the ear, saying: “For you, my love, would I give a name whereby all might know you; for this night shall I call you Yoshibeth.”
See: Areta, Drakonia, First God, First Power, First Track, First Woman, Kronus Maximillius
Summary: During the First Track of the world of the First Power, Yoshibeth (designated a single time as ‘Yoshibeth Mahali’) was the name which Kronus Maximillius gave to the woman with whom he fell in love and spent the rest of his life with (3:20:16; 3:23:34). She was appointed as the First Woman of the House of Kronus, to work side by side with Kronus and be a leader and voice of authority among the other women of the estate (3:19:40-64). Yoshibeth was the mortal manifestation of Areta and eventually united with the soul of Kronus, to became the feminine aspect of First God (3:32:1-46).
Prior to receiving her name, Yoshibeth was among fifty women given to Kronus as a customary gift from the Emperor. Kronus was immediately drawn to the woman, who later showed initiative in speaking for the group soon after their arrival. As a result of the woman’s courage and leadership, Kronus appointed her as the First Woman of his house. Kronus broke established Drakonian custom by honoring the woman and giving her a name. The name was ‘Yoshibeth’, which means “the house where love is born” (3:20:14-23).
While women had lived in abject oppression and slavery for centuries, Kronus sought to break the traditions of ages past and liberate the women of the empire. Yoshibeth assisted Kronus in all of his efforts, standing beside him as his beloved companion and supporter throughout all of their days together. Within the boundaries of their estate, Kronus and Yoshibeth created a secret school for women. Such an endeavor was considered unlawful, dangerous and defiant, yet their efforts eventually proved a significant factor in starting a social revolution within the Drakonian Empire.
The relationship between Yoshibeth and Kronus represents the first of its kind during the First Track of the world of the First Power (3:30:10-48). The loving union created and nurtured by Kronus and Yoshibeth was a prominent factor in the advent of First Soul — a miraculous, evolutionary adaptation which allowed Kronus’ memory and personality to remain intact, despite his physical death. The soul of Kronus eventually became the masculine aspect of First God, referred to as The One.
The Death of Yoshibeth
After Kronus died from heart failure at the age of forty-four (3:30:49), the empire fell into chaos and civil war. The power vacuum arising from the death of Kronus led to the assassination of the Emperor and a wide-scale effort to dismantle the reforms that Kronus and Yoshibeth had brought about (3:31:11-17). Completely helpless in his incorporeal state, Kronus watched as Yoshibeth was arrested, raped and tortured (3:31:19-21; 5:2:41). At the death of Yoshibeth, Kronus hoped there would arise from her body a soul like his, yet at the moment of her passing he could perceive nothing of his beloved that remained. Alone, yet conscious and aware, Kronus was consumed with sorrow and grief (3:31:22-31).
The Reunion of Kronus and Yoshibeth
For a period of centuries or more, the soul of Kronus mourned the loss of his beloved Yoshibeth. Affairs on the world of the First Power had digressed to a state of constant war and desperation. After a failed weapons testing experiment by the Chen, the soul of Kronus watched as all life on earth was slowly destroyed (3:31:35-65; 1:9:13-21). Drifting with a burned and broken planet, Kronus remained alone in his anguish for an unknown period of time until there eventually appeared a bright light, from which the tender voice of his mother Areta spoke (3:32:1-19). When Kronus shared his grief for the loss of Yoshibeth, Areta replied, saying that she had kept watch over Kronus throughout his life and had appeared to him in the day of his greatest need. When Kronus asked when and how she had appeared to him, there came from out of the light his dearest Yoshibeth, “alive and filled with glory” (3:32:20-21).
Areta as Yoshibeth
Yoshibeth reveals that she was a mortal manifestation of Areta, that she (as Areta) had fashioned a mortal body to return to mortal life to be with Kronus in the form of Yoshibeth (4:1:51). There is no discussion as to why Kronus was unable to perceived any aspect of Yoshibeth’s soul at the moment of her death. Neither is there anything said about why Areta refrained from revealing herself to Kronus for such a long period of time after his death (3:32:1-30).
Significant Passages
3rd Endowment 30:10-48 The love of Kronus and Yoshibeth — a Tabernacle of Peace
3rd Endowment 31:18-32 The death of Yoshibeth
Thus was Kronus compelled to enlarge the school of women; and seeing that there remained in his house just ten women only, even these did he appoint to teach, setting to preside among them, the woman which he loved most dearly, even Yoshibeth Mahali.
3rd Endowment 23:34
For it was known among the men of greatest power, that wheresoever Kronus himself would go, even there would Yoshibeth go beside him; to stand and move beside her Beloved, being herself most faithful and devoted unto him.
3rd Endowment 30:8
And stepping out of the streams of intelligence, I turned myself again unto the world of the First Power, and seeing that you were in need of some great soul to love, I fashioned again a mortal body; and as the woman Yoshibeth, I came again into mortal life whereby we might love each the other midst gentle breath and fiery passion.
4th Endowment 1:51
In what place then shall you find a good example, to see for yourself the power of grace and love together mingled, like lovers in a dance? Go then and in the scriptures read.
Have you not read of Kronus and Yoshibeth? Have you not read of Moshe and Dedrah, or of Abbahdon and Gaia, or even of The One and myself together in love forever? Go then and let this prove a good example worthy of imitation; for in life is it given that the child should imitate the parents, to follow in their steps.
7th Endowment 4:18-19