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Occurrences: 21 (+3 lower case ‘begotten’)
First Reference: Beginnings 23:43
For it shall be given unto all who seek after righteousness the power to become as Only Begotten of the Father, and they shall be given authority from on high to teach the children of men the wisdom of God.
See: Anointed One, Emmanuel, El Shaloah/Shalon (House of), Gandhi, Yeshua
Summary: The phrase ‘Only Begotten’ refers to a transcendent state of holiness attainable for any mortal man or woman diligent in seeking after the will of their Heavenly Parents (B:23:43; W:14:25). The promise was first established by Noah, wherein all who seek after the God of Heaven could become as the Only Begotten of the Father (B:24:36). Scripture gives two examples of individuals who have become as the Only Begotten of the Father during their lifetime: Yeshua of Nazareth (Y:3:14, 21) and Mohandas K. Gandhi (W:23:51-70).
Becoming as ‘Only Begotten’ is a spiritual process, often the result of steadfast effort over many mortal lifetimes. For the true Gnostic, Yeshua of Nazareth serves as the archetype and supreme example of what it means to become as ‘Only Begotten’ while living the mortal life (W:12:38-43; W:23:69; Basic Beliefs #14, #15).
Yeshua was not born the Only Begotten, but rather, he became as Only Begotten of his Heavenly Parents through diligent effort and spiritual discipline. As the mortal embodiment of Emmanuel (the Heavenly Father), Yeshua achieved the Only Begotten state and proceeded to teach by word and deed the way for others to likewise attain this transcendent state. Scripture establishes the promise that all who seek to follow in Yeshua’s steps will be granted eternal life and exaltation in the kingdom of God (W:14:41-57; W:24:26-27).
The Only Begotten state is achieved based upon an individual’s consistent choice and effort to become holy. It is not God who chooses the individual to become as their only child, it is the individual who chooses God. It is the aspirant who determines their proximity to their Heavenly Father and Mother. It is presumed that the realization of the Only Begotten state is confirmed midst a distinguished moment in which the Heavenly Father and Mother provide an assurance of peace, proclaiming their acceptance of the individual into a special child-parent relationship — one in which the Heavenly Parents attend to the individual as if he or she was their only child (W:23:61-63).
A person who has achieved this transcendent state would be a reflection of God’s goodness in the affairs of daily life, being full of grace and truth, and exhibiting an undying love for all of humankind. Such an individual is given the assurance of exaltation along the pathway of eternal progression (W:14:23-34; W:23:69-70), and the authority to ‘teach the children of men the wisdom of God’ (B:23:43).
Overview of the Only Begotten state W:14:23-34
The way of Emmanuel, the way of the Only Begotten W:16:25-34
Emmanuel as Michael’s Only Begotten W:16:17-38
Emmanuel as the Only Begotten B:24:7 Y:3:21 W:20:26
Yeshua as the Only Begotten
• The voice of God proclaims Yeshua ‘as Only Begotten’ Y:3:13-14
• John the Baptizer calls Yeshua ‘the Anointed One of God, even Emmanuel the Only Begotten of the Father’ Y:3:21
• Narrator refers to Yeshua as the ‘Only Begotten’ Y:4:8
Yeshua / Emmanuel as the example
Y:1:1 Y:52:72 W:12:42 W:14:54 W:23:64, 69
‘Only Begotten’ as a transcendent state
B:23:43 W:23:60, 69 B:24:36 Y:1:1 Y:3:14 Y:52:72 W:14:25, 33 W:29:27
Gandhi as an example of having become as ‘Only Begotten’ W:23:51-70
The goal of our faith is exaltation; that by living the sacred principles found in the Song of God, we might become as “only begotten” of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Furthermore, we believe that exaltation begins with the transformation of the individual, and that with diligent persistence we can achieve the transcendent state, becoming in our daily life, the reflection of God’s goodness in the world of mortal men and women. For the true Gnostic, Yeshua is the supreme example of the transcendent state.
Basic Beliefs #14
The historical Yeshua of Nazareth was the archetype of what it means to become as “only begotten” while living the mortal life. It was from the life of this historical person that early Christian scholars created the theological construct called Jesus Christ. As true Gnostics therefore, we do believe in the Galilean, and see in him an example worthy of emulation and devotion, but we do not believe in the Jesus Christ found in the Christian faith.
Basic Beliefs #15
For it is given unto all who are willing to become as Only Begotten, even as Yeshua, full of grace and truth; that you may prove yourselves worthy of all acceptance before the heavenly hosts, being made heirs of great glory, even as the sons and daughters of God.
Wisdom 12:42
For it shall be given unto all who seek after righteousness the power to become as Only Begotten of the Father, and they shall be given authority from on high to teach the children of men the wisdom of God.
Beginnings 23:43
19. Unto which of these shall the glory of God attend: the liberty wherein God shall say unto you on the day of acceptation:
20. ‘Behold, you are my son now and forevermore, for this day have I begotten you. Now receive unto your soul the joy of your Father, even unto life eternal and exaltation in the kingdom of God.’
21. Or shall you prefer that liberty which is born of the sword and not of God? Shall this lesser liberty deliver the children of men from the terror of the grave, or is God alone able to deliver?
Beginnings 16:19-21
These are the words which the Lord spoke concerning the coming forth of Yeshua unto the children of men, that all who should believe in him unto good works might become as Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
Yeshua 1:1
38. For even God your Father came forth to dwell upon the earth, even as a man having flesh and bone like unto yourselves, being born unto life even as you are born.
39. Whosoever, therefore, would abide in God, let them walk even as Yeshua walked: Who being in the form of man, thought it not robbery to be equal to God.
40. For hereunto were you called according to the will of the Father, that by his example we might, with assurance, follow in his steps.
41. Therefore, if you would be justified before God, seek you diligently the vision of heavenly things; and entangle yourselves no more in the doctrines of churchgoers, that you may be doers of the word and not hearers only.
42. For it is given unto all who are willing to become as Only Begotten, even as Yeshua, full of grace and truth; that you may prove yourselves worthy of all acceptance before the heavenly hosts, being made heirs of great glory, even as the sons and daughters of God.
Wisdom 12:38-42
53. For such exaltation as God would give comes not by reason of my death upon the cross, but it is my word which gives eternal life, for the words which I speak are spirit, and they are life.
54. What shall it profit a man if he believe in my death and burial, or if he take delight in my resurrection but does not the things that I say? For I have left unto all who will, an example that they should follow in my steps, that they might become even as the Only Begotten of the Father.
55. For the promise of eternal life is given to all the children of men, for as God would send his rain unto the good and the bad, so shall he grant the fulfillment of all his words.
56. But to those who shall keep my words to obey them, and who shall follow diligently after me, unto them shall be given exaltation and eternal life in the kingdom of God.
Wisdom 14:53-56
For I would not have you ignorant concerning the ways of God wherein many are made joint heirs with the Father, neither would I have you unmindful of those mercies which I bestow unto all who shall serve their fellow beings according to the love of God which is in them.
For that Spirit which leads the righteous to do good unto all the children of men, even that Spirit shall seal all who are worthy unto life eternal, that they might take unto their souls the glory of heavenly things.
And I shall love them as though they were my only child. For what father having but one child of his flesh, will not love such a one with a deep and abiding love, desiring always to give unto his only begotten, a fullness of promise and blessing?
Wisdom 23:61-63
Thus shall they who know not the mercies of God marvel that Gandhi should become even as my Only Begotten; for by his great love towards all the children of men has he fulfilled all my law.
For there is but one way by which a man may draw nigh unto God. Therefore, whosoever shall do good unto the children of men, even as Yeshua who loved all men even unto death, they shall become as Only Begotten.
And they shall become the very friend of God and shall take unto themselves the fullness of the Father, and they shall be exalted on high, even worlds without end, for they shall receive unto their soul, eternal life.”
Wisdom 23:68-70
So Yeshua was baptized of John in the waters of Jordan, by the borders of Perea, and when he was come out of the waters, there descended from above a dove of purest white and it did rest upon him.
And there rolled forth in the heavens a great sound of thunder, and in the midst thereof the voice of God, saying: “Behold, this is my Beloved Son, having become himself as Only Begotten.”
Yeshua 3:13-14