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Occurrences: +1,200
First Reference: Beginnings 1:2
Behold, the day has come which was promised, for unto you is it given to establish the tabernacle of God upon the earth, that there might be peace among the nations of many people, that the children of men and women might know of a surety the Lord their God, for he shall come among them, and as a loving Father he shall heal them of many sorrows.”
See: Emmanuel, God/Goddess, Perfected Soul
Summary: The term “Lord” is an honorary title used in scripture to imply a position of power, authority or influence. While the title is often used synonymously with “God”, it technically refers to celestial citizens who have yet to achieve the exalted state of Arch-Angel, but who serve in the upper offices of the patriarchal House of El Shalon (E:9:18). Michael’s son, Emmanuel, would be an example of this understanding of the title. In most cases, the term “Lord” is used as an honorary designation of authority.
The following list provides all the examples in which the title “Lord” is used. References to the Demiurge (eg: Dark Lord, Lord Doom) are provided in their own entries.
• Lord of Hosts (B:1:4)
• Lord your God / their God / our God (B:4:13; B:14:31; B:6:38)
• Lord God (B:6:14)
• Lords many and Gods many (W:9:34)
• Lords and Gods of Elohim / Kolob / Heaven (W:14:29; 1:8:2; 2:7:1)
• Lords and Gods of the greater Light (1:3:5)
• Lord of Kolob — referring to Shaemdiel, Chief Archon of Elohim (E:4:9)
• Lord of Light — referring to Shaemdiel (E:5:51)
• Lord of Light — referring to Azraella Ahgendai (6:9:18)
• Lord and Ahman of Jeruel — The One addressing Melchizedek / Ahman (E:5:3)
• Most Sovereign Lord — Ahman addressing The One (E:5:5)
• Lord of Ahgendai — referring to Azraella Ahgendai (5:14:54)
• Lord and Prince of the Seven Steps — referring to Azrael / Azraella Ahgendai (W:20:4)
• Lord / Lord of Sabbath — referring to Yeshua (Y:4:45)
• The Heavenly Mother is referred to as the “Spirit of the Lord” (W:3:29)
Yet did Shaemdiel, in silence, refuse all answer but made ready for battle instead, setting according to their several orders the Lords of Perfected Soul, and beside them gathered the host of ministering angels.